Introduction to cloud native Stack meets the demands of customers for offline highly integrated platforms in various typical scenarios, allowing enterprises to transform their digital communications free from technical constraints, focusing on the business itself, and accelerating the digital iteration of enterprises.

Today, the digital transformation of enterprises still faces great challenges. Although many new technologies are constantly emerging, cloud vendors and ISVs are helping enterprises to transform, but in the actual landing process, enterprises still need to solve some pain points, such as: current industry technology There are so many products and concepts, how can new technologies be used to achieve rapid business innovation? The current path is not very clear.

Secondly, distributed technology has high complexity, high operation and maintenance costs, and business stability challenges. After the system is built, there are problems with poor stability, and various problems may occur in subsequent operations. There is also the lack of integration of the technology portfolio, the lack of unified planning and end-to-end consistent solutions.

It is precisely because of seeing the technical difficulties that enterprises face in digital transformation, Cloud released the industry's first cloud-native technology mid-stage product-1618b58e19e2e8 Cloud Native Stack (CNStack for short) .

Cloud-native Stack is a technology center in the cloud-native era, which can be lightweight and agile offline. The technology center is based on the ACK agile version. In the user's infrastructure environment, it can enjoy the same safe and stable container service as ACK in a light and agile manner, and it has inherent multi-cluster management capabilities.

At the same time, cloud native Stack is also a business application platform that can meet all the technical challenges encountered by offline customers in various industries in their digital transformation. Cloud-native Stack can not only output agilely, but also output on a large scale, and it can also output on heterogeneous IaaS.

Cloud Native Stack complements cloud native offline capabilities and provides four core product forms:


image.gif first cloud-native Stack for Application: is a one-stop technology base for enterprise digitization. It integrates ACK agile version, EDAS application platform, application high-availability service AHAS, and observable ARMS on one platform, which has more High integration and consistent experience. Cloud native Stack for Application solves the integration of development, operation and maintenance, accelerates business iteration, and has built-in distributed middleware. It can meet all the demands of industry application cloud native in one-stop, and provides a large number of solutions, including multiple activities in different places, enterprises Internet architecture plan, business middle-office plan, safe production plan, resource mixing plan, etc.

takes the Alibaba Cloud resource hybrid solution as an example. It can increase the daily average utilization of IT infrastructure resources from 10% of the industry average to 45%, helping companies reduce IT costs by 50%. makes enterprise digitization free of technology constraints, lighter and simpler.

second form of 1618b58e19e3eb is the cloud native Stack for SaaS: The core value brought by cloud native technology represented by containers is: downward management of resources, upward support of applications, and horizontal management of the software life cycle. In the past, in the stand-alone era, software installation and management were relatively easy. But in the era of cloud computing, in the context of distributed software, distributed environment, and distributed computing power, software wants to be deployed and released, and upgrades and maintenance will become very complicated. There was no solution to this problem in the industry before.

Today, Alibaba Cloud pioneered the creation of cloud native Stack for SaaS. It makes the delivery of SaaS software easier. It shields the differences of IaaS. Any environment can be deployed, any environment can be adapted, and every type of hardware and chip can be adapted. Cloud native Stack for SaaS can improve deployment efficiency by 5 times, cluster testing by 5 times, and reduce the operation and maintenance workload of dependent components by 90%. Now there are more than 50 enterprise software in docking, using, and landing this product.

third form of 1618b58e19e435 is Cloud Native Stack for Edge: present, edge scenes are also very popular. Cloud Native Stack is a full life cycle management platform for edge scenes and edge applications, which can realize automatic management of edge resources in 1 minute; Time delay, secure communication capabilities, message arrival rate of 99.9%; rich components, built-in dozens of edge middleware.

fourth form of 1618b58e19e44a is Cloud Native Stack Community Edition: Community Edition is a technology platform that helps enterprises and developers quickly try cloud native Stack. It can be downloaded for free, deployed with one click, and is one-stop to meet R&D and testing capabilities, and it can be seamless Migrate to the commercial version and to the production environment. This version will be available for download on the Alibaba Cloud official website in December.

Cloud-native Stack meets the demands of customers for offline highly integrated platforms in various typical scenarios, frees the digital transformation of enterprises from technical constraints, focuses on the business itself, and accelerates the digital iteration of enterprises.


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