Introduction to Recently, the Open Atom Open Source Foundation Technical Oversight Committee (TOC) held its 32nd regular meeting. After voting, Huang Yuqi, a senior technical expert on the Alibaba Cloud cloud native application platform, was formally elected as a TOC member of the Open Atom Open Source Foundation.
Recently, the Open Atom Open Source Foundation Technical Oversight Committee (TOC) held its 32nd regular meeting. After voting, Huang Yuqi, a senior technical expert on the Alibaba Cloud cloud native application platform, was formally elected as a TOC member of the Open Atom Open Source Foundation.
Huang Yuqi, Alibaba Cloud senior technical expert, Kubernetes Member, CNCF edge computing cloud native project OpenYurt leader. Has a wealth of cloud native, container, and distributed system related technology accumulation, and deeply participates in CloudFoundry, Mesos, Docker, Kubernetes, Istio and other cloud native related technology open source communities. He has rich experience in project landing and commercialization in the cloud-native field, and has been committed to continuously exploring new scenarios and new boundaries of cloud-native technology for many years. He has led the cloud-native transformation of many large-scale edge computing projects, and is currently responsible for the overall Alibaba Cloud cloud-native edge computing products.
Open Atom Open Source Foundation TOC member
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