From the public Gopher refers to the north

It is a consensus that URLs cannot contain spaces explicitly, and the form in which spaces exist is not completely consistent in different standards, so that different languages have different implementations.

rfc2396 clearly indicates that spaces should be encoded as %20 .

The W3C standard says that spaces can be replaced with + or %20 .

+ on the spot, and the space was replaced with 06185e8bc6504c, so + itself can only be encoded. That being the case, why not encode the spaces directly. Of course, this is just the doubt in Old Xu's heart. We can no longer trace the previous background, nor can we change the facts that have been made. However, whether the space is replaced with + or 20% , and + needs to be encoded is now a question we need to face directly.

Three commonly used URL encoding methods in Go

As Gopher's first concern is the implementation of the Go language itself, so we first understand the similarities and differences of the three commonly used URL encoding methods in Go.


fmt.Println(url.QueryEscape(" +Gopher指北"))
// 输出:+%2BGopher%E6%8C%87%E5%8C%97

When using url.QueryEscape encoding, spaces are encoded as + , and + itself is encoded as %2B .


fmt.Println(url.PathEscape(" +Gopher指北"))
// 输出:%20+Gopher%E6%8C%87%E5%8C%97

When using url.PathEscape encoding, spaces are encoded as 20% , but + is not encoded.


var query = url.Values{}
query.Set("hygz", " +Gopher指北")
// 输出:hygz=+%2BGopher%E6%8C%87%E5%8C%97

When encoding using the (Values).Encode method, the space is encoded as + , and the + itself is encoded as %2B , and a closer look (Values).Encode the source code of the 06185e8bc651de method shows that it still calls the url.QueryEscape function internally. (Values).Encode method and url.QueryEscape is that the former only encodes the key and value in the query, while the latter & both = and 06185e8bc651e7.

For us developers, which one of these three coding methods should be used, please continue to read the following article and believe you can find the answer in the following article.

Implementation in different languages

Since spaces and + have different URL encoding methods in Go, is there such a situation in other languages? Let's take PHP and JS as examples.

URL encoding in PHP


echo urlencode(' +Gopher指北');
// 输出:+%2BGopher%E6%8C%87%E5%8C%97


echo rawurlencode(" +Gopher指北");
// 输出:%20%2BGopher%E6%8C%87%E5%8C%97

PHP's urlencode and Go's url.QueryEscape have the same effect, while rawurlencode both spaces and + .

URL encoding in JS


encodeURI(' +Gopher指北')
// 输出:%20+Gopher%E6%8C%87%E5%8C%97


encodeURIComponent(' +Gopher指北')
// 输出:%20%2BGopher%E6%8C%87%E5%8C%97

JS's encodeURI and Go's url.PathEscape have the same effect, while encodeURIComponent spaces and + .

What should we do

It is more recommended to use url.PathEscape function encoding

Go , PHP and JS to +Gopher pointing north have been summarized in the previous article. The following summarizes the two-dimensional table of whether the corresponding decoding operation is feasible.

encode decodeurl.QueryUnescapeurl.PathUnescapeurldecoderawurldecodedecodeURIdecodeURIComponent

On the table YY and Y same meaning, the old promise only YY representation recommended in Go url.PathEscape encode, respectively, at the same time recommended in PHP and JS in rawurldecode and decodeURIComponent decoded.

In the actual development process, Gopher will definitely have a scene that needs to be decoded. At this time, it needs to communicate with the URL encoding party to get a proper way of decoding.

Encode the value

Is there a general way that does not require URL encoding and decoding? There is no doubt there is! Take the base32 code as an example. The coded character set is AZ and the numbers 2-7. At this time, after base32 encoding the value, URL encoding is not required.

Finally, I sincerely hope that this article can be helpful to readers.

The environment used in this article is PHP 7.3.29 , go 1.16.6 and js Chrome94.0.4606.71 Console


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