Different Binary Search Trees II
Topic Description: to give you an integer
, you generate and return all then
-node and the node value from1
with different mutually search binary tree . The answer can be any orderBinary Search Tree: also called a binary sort tree. It is either an empty tree or a binary tree with the following properties: If its left subtree is not empty, all the left subtrees The value of the node is less than the value of its root node; if its right subtree is not empty, the values of all nodes on the right subtree are greater than the value of its root node; its left and right subtrees They are also binary sort trees.
Please refer to LeetCode official website for example description.
Source: LeetCode
Link: https://leetcode-cn.com/problems/unique-binary-search-trees-ii/
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Solution one: recursive method
- First, when n is 0, the result is an empty tree, and an empty list is returned directly.
When n is greater than 0, the recursive method is used to obtain the left and right subtrees respectively. The recursive process is as follows:
- All nodes can be used as the root node, that is, all the values from 1 to n are traversed as the root node, and the current root node is i;
- Then all the values on the left of i are called recursively as the left subtree of i;
- All values on the right of i are called recursively as the right subtree of i;
- Finally, the root node i and the corresponding left and right subtrees are assembled into a tree and placed in the result set.
- Finally, the returned result set is all possible binary search trees.
import com.kaesar.leetcode.TreeNode;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class LeetCode_095 {
* 递归
* @param n
* @return
public static List<TreeNode> generateTrees(int n) {
// 当n为0的时候,是一棵空树
if (n == 0) {
return new ArrayList<>();
return generateTrees(1, n);
private static List<TreeNode> generateTrees(int start, int end) {
List<TreeNode> allTrees = new ArrayList<>();
if (start > end) {
return allTrees;
for (int i = start; i <= end; i++) {
// 所有可能的左子树集合
List<TreeNode> leftTrees = generateTrees(start, i - 1);
// 所有可能的右子树集合
List<TreeNode> rightTrees = generateTrees(i + 1, end);
for (TreeNode leftTree : leftTrees) {
for (TreeNode rightTree : rightTrees) {
TreeNode root = new TreeNode(i);
root.left = leftTree;
root.right = rightTree;
return allTrees;
public static void main(String[] args) {
for (TreeNode generateTree : generateTrees(3)) {
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