Recently, Coro released a research report based on more than 4,000 mid-sized companies with 100 to 1,500 employees operating in the retail, manufacturing, professional services, healthcare, transportation, and education industries between 2020 and 2021. Surveyed the network security situation of mid-market companies.

The report pointed out that mid-market companies are 490% more likely to encounter security breaches before the end of 2021 than in 2019.

According to the survey, in the last year alone, attacks on the mid-market have increased by 50% to 125%. In the past year, attacks on the healthcare and transportation industries have increased by more than 125%, and attacks on retail, manufacturing, and professional services have increased by 86% to 90%.

Attacks surged in the last 4 months of the year. Compared with the first eight months of this year, in the last four months of 2020, cyber attacks by medium-sized enterprises in various industries have increased by 22% to 36%, and the growth trend in 2021 will be similar.

In addition, the complexity of the attack has also increased. From 2020 to 2021, low-level attacks that do not distinguish between targets have dropped from 86% to 68%; on the contrary, targeted attacks have risen to 26%, customized attacks have increased to 4%, and internal threats have doubled to reach 2%.

Since the beginning of 2020, due to the digital transformation brought about by the epidemic, medium-sized companies have experienced a wider range of cyber attacks in the past two years, and various types of attacks have seen a substantial increase.

Among them, bot attacks increased by 238%, Wi-Fi phishing increased by 203%, malware in cloud applications increased by 180%, malware sent via email increased by 154%, and malware spread via endpoints increased Increased by 156% and insider threats increased by 132%.

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