
Recently, we launched the .NET MAUI Community Community Toolkit , and are now ready to to accept community contributions prepared.

We modified to add new features workflow , share this to you, in order to facilitate the future continue to improve, to contribute.

We also created a project board for this purpose, so that you can track the new workflow here:


New function workflow

new feature workflow is largely inspired by the C# team, and can optimize the implementation of its Discussions and Proposals.

Start a discussion

All new features will start in the form of discussing

As a community, we can discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the new feature, determine its scope, the appearance of its API, and reach a consensus on its implementation.

Open new feature proposal

Once the implementation of a new feature is agreed in the discussion, can submit a new feature proposal .

The new feature proposal is quite in-depth and requires the following information:

  • Summary
  • detailed design
  • Usage syntax (XAML usage and C# usage)
  • shortcoming
  • alternative plan
  • Unresolved issues

Proposal leader

After a new proposal appears .NET MAUI Community Toolkit team will be selected as the leader, which means that the team members agree to include it in the .NET MAUI Community Toolkit, and they will be in the next .NET MAUI Community on this proposal at Toolkit's monthly seminar 161a98837e7214.

At 12 pm on the first Thursday of every month, we will broadcast our meeting live on the YouTube channel of the .NET Foundation. In addition, we will vote on new feature proposals. If a proposal is supported by more than 50% of the core team, it is officially approved.

Approval of proposal

Once the proposal is approved, it's finally time to start writing code.

At this stage, we will distribute the proposal to any community member willing to contribute to it.

Please leave a comment on any proposal, mark it as Need help , we will happily assign it to you.

We require each Pull Request to include the following items before the merger:

  • Implement
  • iOS support
  • Android support
  • macOS support
  • Windows support
  • unit test
  • Example
  • XML document

Approve Pull Request

At this step, the code has been completed, including unit tests, XML documents, and the content contained in the .NET MAUI Toolkit sample application

The only thing that prevents the Pull Request from being merged is the completion of the official document Microsoft document GitHub repository. Since the official documents are in different warehouses, we have added the pending document tag to ensure that we will definitely complete this document.

We ask the author of Pull Request to also participate in writing the official documentation of this feature, because you are the person who knows this feature best. Of course, if your English is not good, we are also happy to help you review and edit.

Approval Document

Once the document is completed, it will be reviewed, approved and merged by members of the .NET MAUI Community Toolkit team.

After the document is completed, the Pull Request can be merged.


Finally finished. The Pull Request has been merged, and your code is officially added to the .NET MAUI Community Toolkit.

In addition, we have prepared a collection of technical dry goods for .NET 6 and Visual Studio 2022 for everyone! The brand-new integrated development environment, multiple improvements, and new supporting resources have brought productivity improvements and work quality improvements for developers.


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