The first part: pre-class information description
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Part 2: Best Practices of Microservice Architecture
course goal:
1) Understand the background of the birth of microservices
2) Understand the SpringCloud microservice specification
3) Master the basic applications of the core components in the Spring Cloud Alibaba solution
4) Master the design and solution of the single sign-on system under the Spring Cloud Alibaba solution.
core skill points:
1) Service registration, discovery and configuration based on Nacos.
2) Based on RestTemplate, Feign realizes remote calls between services.
3) Implementation of load balancing design for service invocation based on Ribbon
4) Realize service current limitation and downgrade based on Sentinel.
5) Realize unified management of API access entrance based on Spring Cloud Gateway.
6) A unified single sign-on system (SSO) based on Spring Security, JWT, and Oauth2.
teaching documents and order:
Part 3: Best Practices of Docker Technology
course goal:
1) Understand the background of the birth of Docker
2) Understand the advantages and disadvantages of Docker technology.
3) Familiar with the basic architecture design of Docker.
4) Master the core concepts of images, containers, and data volumes under the Docker platform
5) Master the basic operations of downloading, viewing, saving, importing, and deleting images in the Docker environment
6) Master the basic operations such as starting, entering, viewing, stopping, restarting, and log viewing of containers in the Docker environment
7) Grasp the meaning of data volume and directory mounting under the Docker platform, the creation, viewing and application of data volume
8) Master the production of images under the Docker platform and the basic syntax structure of Dockerfile.
9) Master the installation of commonly used images under the Docker platform, such as mysql, redis, nginx, nacos, etc.
10) Master the basic implementation of container interconnection methods under the Docker platform.
Core skill points:
1) Application of basic instructions such as docker installation, service start, restart, stop, boot restart, etc.
2) Basic operations such as image, container, data volume, network, etc. under the docker platform
3) Installation and basic application of common services (mysql, redis, nginx, nacos) under docker platform.
teaching documents and order:
Part 4: Best Practices of Redis Technology
course objective:
1) Understand the background of the birth of redis
2) Familiar with the basic characteristics of Redis database
3) Familiar with the common data types of Redis and the operation of basic instructions
4) Master the core API and application process of operating Redis in Java
5) Master the application practice of Redis in Java projects (such as voting system, single sign-on system, etc.)
6) Grasp the purpose of persistence in Redis, persistence methods and their respective characteristics.
7) Master the transaction processing methods in Redis and the application of common instructions.
8) Master the master-slave architecture, sentinel mechanism, cluster architecture design and construction process in Redis.
core skill points:
1) Redis is installed in the docker environment, logged in, and logged out.
2) Basic applications of data types such as string, hash, list, set, etc. in Redis
3) The basic application of Jedis in the Redis client API and the design of the connection pool.
4) Redis is based on the integrated application of RedisTemplate in the springboot project.
5) The persistence characteristics of RDB and AOF methods in Redis and the configuration of the production environment.
6) Transaction control based on optimistic locking in Redis
7) Redis master-slave architecture, sentinel mechanism, evolution and implementation of cluster architecture
teaching document and sequence:
Part 5: Summary
Spring Cloud Alibaba
1) An architectural idea (service governance ~ software as a service, divide and conquer)
2) A set of microservice solutions (Spring Cloud Alibaba)
3) Five major microservice application components (nacos, feign, ribbon, sentinel, gateway)
4) A single sign-on system (2 sets of solutions + 5 microservice components + 3 authentication and authorization technologies)
Docker virtualization technology application practice
1) A new operation and maintenance idea? (Containerization technology ~ rapid release, deployment, isolation)
2) A virtualization engine (Docker platform), seven basic systemctl operations (start, status, stop, restart, enable, disable).
3) Two core objects of Docker platform? (mirror-image, container-container)
4) Eight common mirror operation instructions (pull, images, inspect, history, save, load, rm, run)
5) Seven commonly used container operation instructions (start, restart, logs, exec, exit, stop, rm)
6) Two file or directory data mapping schemes? (data volume-volume, direct directory mount-v)
7) One image production (docker build), two sets of image loading (docker pull, docker load), and a set of image saving schemes (docker save).
8) How to establish and apply a virtual network? (docker network create, --network)
9) Commonly used image download, container startup solution? (MySql, Redis, Nginx, Nacos,...)
Redis distributed caching technology application
1) A performance optimization strategy? (Load data from memory)
2) Two kinds of cache (memory) application routines? (local cache and distributed cache)
3) 5 data types in Redis (string, hash, list, set, zset,...)
4) Two sets of Java client API? (Jedis, RedisTemplate)
5) 3 data reliability schemes? (persistence, transaction, master-slave architecture, sentinel, cluster)
6) Combine the menu module to implement two comprehensive caching application solutions? (RedisTemplate+redis, Aop+redis)
phase project core business logic design and implementation (jt-cloud-admin):
1) Jingtao permission control subsystem (microservice architecture): single sign-on (SSO), resource-based permission control, logging based on user behavior
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