About This summit hopes to promote the implementation of DevOps and IaC concepts in the industry by sharing the best practices of cloud architecture and operation and maintenance, and help enterprises "use the cloud to manage the cloud" and release the technology dividend of the cloud.
December 10, 2021 on cloud architecture and operation and maintenance summit , will officially open on-line at 13:30, welcome to the official website appointment or watch live.
This summit hopes to share the best practices of cloud architecture and operation and maintenance to promote the implementation of DevOps and IaC concepts in the industry, help enterprises "use the cloud to manage the cloud" and release the technological dividend of the cloud.
The "software defines everything" feature of cloud computing has promoted the trend of automated operation and maintenance such as agile elasticity, DevOps, intelligent operation and maintenance, and infrastructure as code. Cloud computing is already a must-have professional skills and knowledge for any operation and maintenance personnel, architect, or even programmer.
The editor summarizes the five highlights :
- Get hands-on experience with cloud automation tools and receive exquisite gifts
- Alibaba Cloud technology experts, sharing the cloud native era architecture and the evolution direction of the R&D operation and maintenance system
- Release of CloudOps maturity model to help companies self-test CloudOps
- Excellent companies share the best practices of cloud architecture and operation and maintenance, and welcome mutual learning and exchange of experience
- Senior technical practitioners, discuss the status quo of domestic operation and maintenance and DevOps, and share the development prospects of the industry
Why not act, here or scan the QR code below the bottom of the poster, you can enter Assembly official website reservation live.
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