After getting used to unit testing, if some code is not tested before submitting, it always feels empty in my heart, and there is no confidence to speak of.

The official annotations provided by Spring Boot combined with the powerful Mockito can solve most of the testing requirements. But it seems that the aspect under the agency model is not satisfactory.

Scenario simulation

Suppose we currently have a StudentControllor getNameById method is stored in the controller.

public class StudentController {

  public Student getNameById(@PathVariable Long id) {
    return new Student("测试姓名");
  public static class Student {
    private String name;

    public Student(String name) {
      this.name = name;

    public String getName() {
      return name;

    public void setName(String name) {
      this.name = name;

In the absence of contact, we visit this method to get the corresponding student information with the test name.

Create a section

Now, we use the aspect method to append a Yz suffix to the back of the returned name.

public class AddYzAspect {
  @AfterReturning(value = "execution(* club.yunzhi.smartcommunity.controller.StudentController.getNameById(..))",
      returning = "student")
  public void afterReturnName(StudentController.Student student) {
    student.setName(student.getName() + "Yz");


If we use the normal test method to directly assert that the returned name is of course feasible:

class AddYzAspectTest {
  StudentController studentController;
  void afterReturnName() {
    Assertions.assertEquals(studentController.getNameById(123L).getName(), "测试姓名Yz");

But often the logic in the aspect is not so simple. In the actual test, we actually do not need to care about what happens in the aspect (what happens should be done in the method of testing the aspect). Our main concern here is whether the aspect is successfully executed, and the corresponding assertion is established to prevent accidentally invalidating the current aspect in the code iteration process later in the day.


Spring Boot provides us MockBean directly Mock a fall Bean . When testing section successfully executed, we do not care StudentController in getNameById() perform logical approach, it is suitable for appropriate MockBean declared.

 class AddYzAspectTest {
-  @Autowired
+  @MockBean
   StudentController studentController;

But MockBean is not suitable for testing the aspect. This is because MockBean will directly ignore the annotations of the relevant aspect when generating a new agent, resulting in the direct failure of the aspect.

At the same time, MockBean can be used to simulate Controller , an error will occur if it is used to simulate Aspect.

Caused by: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'org.springframework.transaction.annotation.ProxyTransactionManagementConfiguration': BeanPostProcessor before instantiation of bean failed; 


In addition to MockBean , Spring Boot also prepares to carry the real Bean , but the Bean can be dropped at any time as required by Mock . At the same time, the Bean generated using this annotation will not destroy the original section.

class AddYzAspectTest {
  StudentController studentController;

  AddYzAspect addYzAspect;

But is Note that @SpyBean has successfully generated two Mock that can be dropped by Bean , but the corresponding aspect method will be automatically called once when the corresponding Mock The following code example will automatically call AddYzAspect in afterReturnName method.

  void afterReturnName() {
    StudentController.Student student = new StudentController.Student("test");
    Mockito.doReturn(student).when(this.studentController).getNameById(123L); 👈 

By this time due to Mock method declared out of the return value, so Mockito will be used null to do is to access the return value AddYzAspect in afterReturnName method. So there will be a NullPointerException exception at this time:

    at club.yunzhi.smartcommunity.aspects.AddYzAspect.afterReturnName(AddYzAspect.java:14)

Therefore, before the Mock is cut, we need to Mock off the related methods of the aspect in advance. At the same time, when the Mock is cut, null will be used as the return value of the method, so directly write null :

  void afterReturnName() {

Complete test code

class AddYzAspectTest {
  StudentController studentController;

  AddYzAspect addYzAspect;

  void afterReturnName() {
    Mockito.verify(this.addYzAspect, Mockito.times(1)).afterReturnName(null);

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