One: background

1. Tell a story

Last month, a friend found me through a short message in the blog garden, saying that his program had a memory overflow and asked how to solve it.

To solve it, you have to analyze it through windbg.

Two: Windbg analysis

1. Why memory overflow

Everyone knows that memory overflow corresponds to the OutOfMemoryException exception in .NET. This exception may be manually thrown by managed code, or it may be thrown at the CLR level. The implication is that it can be checked in two ways.

  • Does the managed thread mount an exception?

0:000> !t
ThreadCount:      23
UnstartedThread:  0
BackgroundThread: 5
PendingThread:    0
DeadThread:       17
Hosted Runtime:   no
       ID OSID ThreadOBJ    State GC Mode     GC Alloc Context  Domain   Count Apt Exception
   0    1 362c 00fac868     26020 Preemptive  7ED701A0:00000000 00fa6b60 0     STA 
   5    2 2d70 00fbeba0     2b220 Preemptive  7EBA7AC0:00000000 00fa6b60 0     MTA (Finalizer) 
   7    3 3264 061c8890   102a220 Preemptive  00000000:00000000 00fa6b60 0     MTA (Threadpool Worker) 
  17   15 3f98 19682b90   202b220 Preemptive  7EBB0830:00000000 00fa6b60 0     MTA 
XXXX   16    0 2845fb00     35820 Preemptive  00000000:00000000 00fa6b60 0     Ukn 
  18   14  a7c 2842b1c8   202b220 Preemptive  00000000:00000000 00fa6b60 0     MTA 
XXXX    6    0 2c9b3778   1039820 Preemptive  00000000:00000000 00fa6b60 0     Ukn (Threadpool Worker) 
XXXX   18    0 288a1318   1039820 Preemptive  00000000:00000000 00fa6b60 0     Ukn (Threadpool Worker) 
XXXX   23    0 288a22f0   1039820 Preemptive  00000000:00000000 00fa6b60 0     Ukn (Threadpool Worker) 
XXXX   10    0 2ccf3550   1039820 Preemptive  00000000:00000000 00fa6b60 0     Ukn (Threadpool Worker) 
XXXX   21    0 288a1860   1039820 Preemptive  00000000:00000000 00fa6b60 0     Ukn (Threadpool Worker) 
XXXX   12    0 288a1da8   1039820 Preemptive  00000000:00000000 00fa6b60 0     Ukn (Threadpool Worker) 
XXXX   11    0 2c993640   1039820 Preemptive  00000000:00000000 00fa6b60 0     Ukn (Threadpool Worker) 
XXXX    8    0 2ccf3a98     35820 Preemptive  00000000:00000000 00fa6b60 0     Ukn 
XXXX    9    0 2ccf2030   1039820 Preemptive  00000000:00000000 00fa6b60 0     Ukn (Threadpool Worker) 
XXXX    7    0 2c9aed88   1039820 Preemptive  00000000:00000000 00fa6b60 0     Ukn (Threadpool Worker) 
XXXX   26    0 28898308   1039820 Preemptive  00000000:00000000 00fa6b60 0     Ukn (Threadpool Worker) 
XXXX   25    0 2c492c68   1039820 Preemptive  00000000:00000000 00fa6b60 0     Ukn (Threadpool Worker) 
XXXX    4    0 2c993b88   1039820 Preemptive  00000000:00000000 00fa6b60 0     Ukn (Threadpool Worker) 
XXXX   20    0 2c9af2d0   1039820 Preemptive  00000000:00000000 00fa6b60 0     Ukn (Threadpool Worker) 
XXXX   17    0 2c9afd60   1039820 Preemptive  00000000:00000000 00fa6b60 0     Ukn (Threadpool Worker) 
XXXX   24    0 2c9b1280   1039820 Preemptive  00000000:00000000 00fa6b60 0     Ukn (Threadpool Worker) 
  23   22 2658 2c9b02a8   1029220 Preemptive  7ED5BFF8:00000000 00fa6b60 0     MTA (Threadpool Worker) 

Judging from the output information, these threads did not mount any managed exceptions, I'll go. . .

  • Whether to throw on the CLR

This is mainly due to managed heap (heap) or insufficient memory caused by gc recycling. You can use the !ao command.

0:000> !ao
There was no managed OOM due to allocations on the GC heap

From the output information, there is no abnormality, which is embarrassing 😂😂😂. . . Nima, what on earth is it because of?

2. Explore the cause of overflow

When this embarrassing situation occurs, I can only suspect that when the dump was generated, I did not get to that point, or that my knowledge boundary is limited, but the road to heaven is infinite. If it is not at the point, it must be near point. !address -summary let's use 061b6a9317bfea to look at the classification information of memory usage.

0:000> !address -summary

--- Usage Summary ---------------- RgnCount ----------- Total Size -------- %ofBusy %ofTotal
<unknown>                              1520          4c185000 (   1.189 GB)  65.57%   59.45%
Image                                  4306          1f140000 ( 497.250 MB)  26.78%   24.28%
Free                                   1133           bf17000 ( 191.090 MB)            9.33%
Heap                                    617           7626000 ( 118.148 MB)   6.36%    5.77%
Stack                                    72           1740000 (  23.250 MB)   1.25%    1.14%
Other                                    34             7b000 ( 492.000 kB)   0.03%    0.02%
TEB                                      24             30000 ( 192.000 kB)   0.01%    0.01%
PEB                                       1              3000 (  12.000 kB)   0.00%    0.00%

--- Type Summary (for busy) ------ RgnCount ----------- Total Size -------- %ofBusy %ofTotal
MEM_MAPPED                              549          34b60000 ( 843.375 MB)  45.42%   41.18%
MEM_PRIVATE                            1718          20424000 ( 516.141 MB)  27.80%   25.20%
MEM_IMAGE                              4307          1f155000 ( 497.332 MB)  26.78%   24.28%

--- State Summary ---------------- RgnCount ----------- Total Size -------- %ofBusy %ofTotal
MEM_COMMIT                             4904          66ddd000 (   1.607 GB)  88.64%   80.37%
MEM_RESERVE                            1670           d2fc000 ( 210.984 MB)  11.36%   10.30%
MEM_FREE                               1133           bf17000 ( 191.090 MB)            9.33%

--- Protect Summary (for commit) - RgnCount ----------- Total Size -------- %ofBusy %ofTotal
PAGE_READONLY                          2272          382cf000 ( 898.809 MB)  48.41%   43.89%
PAGE_READWRITE                         1572          1eead000 ( 494.676 MB)  26.64%   24.15%
PAGE_EXECUTE_READ                       218           dd59000 ( 221.348 MB)  11.92%   10.81%
PAGE_WRITECOPY                          449           133e000 (  19.242 MB)   1.04%    0.94%
PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE                  188            ab4000 (  10.703 MB)   0.58%    0.52%
PAGE_NOACCESS                           156             9c000 ( 624.000 kB)   0.03%    0.03%
PAGE_READWRITE | PAGE_GUARD              48             78000 ( 480.000 kB)   0.03%    0.02%
PAGE_READWRITE | PAGE_WRITECOMBINE        1              2000 (   8.000 kB)   0.00%    0.00%

--- Largest Region by Usage ----------- Base Address -------- Region Size ----------
<unknown>                                   1d200000           a001000 ( 160.004 MB)
Image                                        fed1000           36e4000 (  54.891 MB)
Free                                        33dfe000           1082000 (  16.508 MB)
Heap                                        3da84000            a1b000 (  10.105 MB)
Stack                                        1a10000             fd000 (1012.000 kB)
Other                                       7fa40000             33000 ( 204.000 kB)
TEB                                           a4c000              3000 (  12.000 kB)
PEB                                           a3d000              3000 (  12.000 kB)

From the above MEM_COMMIT=1.607 GB 80.37% information, the current memory occupies 1.6G , which accounts for 80.37% . It can be seen that it is limited by a 2G memory, and from !t output, it is currently a 32-bit program, so this is a classic : 64 system running 32-bit program is limited by 2G memory problem.

3. How to break through 2G restrictions

To find the answer, you have to look at the most authoritative MSDN:

break has to set the program's IMAGE_FILE_LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE mark.

Regarding the specific settings, I found three methods.

  • Use LargeAddressAware installation package

See github:

  • Use editbin

editbin /largeaddressaware $(TargetPath) in the generation event of vs.

  • Use code method

This can directly add the LargeAddressAware mark to the generated exe, in addition to the mark, it can also be detected, 🐂👃

using System;
using System.IO;

namespace PEFile
    public class LargeAddressAware
        public static bool IsLargeAddressAware(string filePath)
            bool isLargeAddressAware = false;
            PrepareStream(filePath, (stream, binaryReader) => isLargeAddressAware = (binaryReader.ReadInt16() & 0x20) != 0);
            return isLargeAddressAware;

        public static void SetLargeAddressAware(string filePath)
            PrepareStream(filePath, (stream, binaryReader) =>
                var value = binaryReader.ReadInt16();
                if ((value & 0x20) == 0)
                    value = (short)(value | 0x20);
                    stream.Position -= 2;
                    var binaryWriter = new BinaryWriter(stream);

        private static void PrepareStream(string filePath, Action<Stream, BinaryReader> action)
            using (var stream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.Read))
                if (stream.Length < 0x3C)

                var binaryReader = new BinaryReader(stream);

                // MZ header
                if (binaryReader.ReadInt16() != 0x5A4D)

                stream.Position = 0x3C;
                var peHeaderLocation = binaryReader.ReadInt32();

                stream.Position = peHeaderLocation;

                // PE header
                if (binaryReader.ReadInt32() != 0x4550)

                stream.Position += 0x12;

                action(stream, binaryReader);

For more information, refer to: 161b6a9317c297

Three: Summary

In general, the memory limit 2G is a problem that a 32bit program must face. If you know it, you can solve it. Finally, there is a problem to explain why the commit memory is as high as 1.6G . This is because most of the medical software It is FastReport + DevExpress these heavyweight classic collocations and a large number of image resources occupy too much native memory.

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