
1. Introduction to the updated content

This update is a minor version update with several optimizations (for the update history, see: Code Cloud Release Nodes). It may be the only open source IM framework of its kind on the market that supports UDP+TCP+WebSocket at the same time.

2. Introduction to MobileIMSDK

MobileIMSDK is an original IM communication layer framework specially developed for the mobile terminal:

  • After 8 years, well-tested;
  • Ultra-lightweight, highly refined, within 50KB of lib package;
  • Carefully packaged, a set of API supports UDP, TCP, and WebSocket at the same time (may be the only open source on the entire network);
  • The client supports iOS, Android, standard Java, H5, applets (under development...), Uniapp (under development...);
  • The server is based on Netty, with excellent performance and easy expansion; 👈
  • It can communicate seamlessly with the sister project MobileIMSDK-Web to realize web-side chat or push, etc.; 👈
  • It can be applied to various scenarios such as cross-device, cross-network chat APP, enterprise OA, and message push.

The MobileIMSDK project started in October 2013. It was initially used as the bottom layer of instant messaging for a certain product. It was developed completely from scratch and the technology was independent and controllable!

You may need: Check out the detailed introduction about MobileIMSDK.

Three, code hosting synchronization update

Code hosting: http://git.oschina.net/jackjiang/MobileIMSDK
Project Information: Click to view more information

Code hosting: https://github.com/JackJiang2011/MobileIMSDK
Project Information: Click to view more information

Four, MobileIMSDK design goals

Let developers focus on the development of application logic, and hand over the complex instant messaging algorithms to the SDK developers to uncouple the complexity of instant messaging application development.

Five, MobileIMSDK framework composition

set of MobileIMSDK framework consists of the following 5 parts:

  • Android client SDK: for the Android instant messaging client, support Android 2.3 and above, view API documentation;
  • iOS client SDK: used to develop the iOS version of the instant messaging client, support iOS 8.0 and above, view API documentation;
  • Java client SDK: used to develop cross-platform PC-side instant messaging client, support Java 1.6 and above, view API documentation;
  • H5 Client SDK: No open source version yet, please check the edited and commented version;
  • Server SDK: used to develop instant messaging server, support Java 1.7 and above, view API documentation.

The structure of the complete MobileIMSDK framework:

In addition: MobileIMSDK can seamlessly interoperate with the sister project MobileIMSDK-Web, so as to realize web page chat or push.

Sixth, MobileIMSDK v6.1.2 update content

[Important Note]:
MobileIMSDK v6.1.2 is a minor version with several optimizations! see details

[Bug resolved]:

  • [Andior/iOS] Solved the problem that when the network is disconnected, the packets in the retransmission queue do not increase the number of retransmissions, so they always retransmit;
  • [iOS] Solved the problem that the animation effects in some projects did not take effect due to overriding the parent class copyWithZone method in the RMMapper library!
  • [Other optimizations and improvements]:
  • [Andiord] The complete proguard obfuscation configuration is completed in the Andriod Demo, otherwise, when someone “realease” the Demo, an error will be reported;
  • [iOS] Forgot to add the "sm" field in the Protocal class in the previous version, now it is added;
  • [Server] The server Demo is synchronized to the latest project, and the previously submitted version is not correctly merged with the latest lib, etc.;
  • [Server] Upgrade log4j2 to 2.15.0 to solve the high-risk vulnerability of Log4j2 remote code execution;
  • [Andiord] The targetSdkVersion of Andriod SDK and Demo project is increased to 30;
  • [Andriod] Andriod TCP version protocol Netty library loading method changed to gradle loading;

[version address]:

1.6k 声望814 粉丝
