Focus on enterprise-class R & D management ONES announced that it has recently completion of the well-known documentation tool known as a wholly-owned acquisition of notes .

Founded in 2011, WeizhiNotes is a collaborative document and knowledge management tool brand with a good user reputation. It has more than 5 million individual users and serves large enterprises such as Huawei, Baidu, and well-known real estate groups.

In recent years, we have developed a new generation of editor cores with completely independent intellectual property rights for the ZhiNote team, supporting innovative editor capabilities such as multi-person collaboration, block editing, and two-way links.

After the acquisition is completed, Note will give these core capabilities to ONES Wiki . ONES Wiki is an important component in the ONES product matrix, and it mainly focuses on the document knowledge base of R&D enterprises. After obtaining the blessing of the core capabilities of WeizhiNotes, ONES Wiki will usher in a major version upgrade. At the same time, WizNote X for individual users and small teams will continue to operate by an independent team.


Atlassian, an overseas benchmark company in the field of R&D management collaboration, currently has a market value of about 100 billion US dollars and an annual turnover of over 2.5 billion US dollars. The largest source of income is the project management and knowledge base management portfolio "Jira + Confluence". The ONES Project and ONES Wiki in the current ONES product matrix are also the most popular combination .

Li Jun, founder of notes to know, "said ONES thanks to the integrity of the team, after co-editor innovative products will enable our core competencies precipitation of more than a decade to play a greater commercial value , better service terminal user".

Wang Yingqi, founder and CEO of ONES, said, "Weizhinote has the core capabilities of leading document editor technology, which forms a strong complement to the existing business of ONES."

In December 2020, ONES announced the completion of the acquisition of Tower, a well-known collaboration tool. In 2021, it received three rounds of financing totaling nearly US$100 million. In January 2022, it announced the completion of the acquisition of Weizhi Notes.

From a global perspective, project management and development collaboration is a big track with a market space of more than 100 billion US dollars. Today, although China's software and SaaS industry is developing rapidly, it is still at an early stage in terms of overall scale. With the acceleration of digital transformation in all walks of life, the demand for R&D collaboration and efficient management is also increasing. We look forward to seeing the "ONES Project + ONES Wiki + Tower" product matrix together to provide more professional project management and team collaboration solutions for start-ups to medium and large enterprises .

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