
The previous article mentioned that the fixed-time window current limit cannot handle the sudden request flood situation. The token bucket line algorithm described in this article can better handle this scenario.

working principle

  1. The production tokens are put into the bucket at a constant rate per unit time until the upper limit of the bucket capacity is reached.
  2. Process the request, try to obtain one or more tokens each time, process the request if it is obtained, and reject the request if it fails.

Advantages and disadvantages


It can effectively handle instantaneous burst traffic, and the bucket memory token can be used as a traffic buffer to smoothly handle burst traffic.


The implementation is more complicated.



In a distributed environment, consider using redis as a storage container for buckets and tokens, and use lua scripts to implement the entire algorithm process.

redis lua script
-- 每秒生成token数量即token生成速度
local rate = tonumber(ARGV[1])
-- 桶容量
local capacity = tonumber(ARGV[2])
-- 当前时间戳
local now = tonumber(ARGV[3])
-- 当前请求token数量
local requested = tonumber(ARGV[4])
-- 需要多少秒才能填满桶
local fill_time = capacity/rate
-- 向下取整,ttl为填满时间的2倍
local ttl = math.floor(fill_time*2)
-- 当前时间桶容量
local last_tokens = tonumber(redis.call("get", KEYS[1]))
-- 如果当前桶容量为0,说明是第一次进入,则默认容量为桶的最大容量
if last_tokens == nil then
last_tokens = capacity
-- 上一次刷新的时间
local last_refreshed = tonumber(redis.call("get", KEYS[2]))
-- 第一次进入则设置刷新时间为0
if last_refreshed == nil then
last_refreshed = 0
-- 距离上次请求的时间跨度
local delta = math.max(0, now-last_refreshed)
-- 距离上次请求的时间跨度,总共能生产token的数量,如果超多最大容量则丢弃多余的token
local filled_tokens = math.min(capacity, last_tokens+(delta*rate))
-- 本次请求token数量是否足够
local allowed = filled_tokens >= requested
-- 桶剩余数量
local new_tokens = filled_tokens
-- 允许本次token申请,计算剩余数量
if allowed then
new_tokens = filled_tokens - requested
-- 设置剩余token数量
redis.call("setex", KEYS[1], ttl, new_tokens)
-- 设置刷新时间
redis.call("setex", KEYS[2], ttl, now)

return allowed
Token Bucket Limiter Definition
type TokenLimiter struct {
    // 每秒生产速率
    rate int
    // 桶容量
    burst int
    // 存储容器
    store *redis.Redis
    // redis key
    tokenKey       string
    // 桶刷新时间key
    timestampKey   string
    // lock
    rescueLock     sync.Mutex
    // redis健康标识
    redisAlive     uint32
    // redis故障时采用进程内 令牌桶限流器
    rescueLimiter  *xrate.Limiter
    // redis监控探测任务标识
    monitorStarted bool

func NewTokenLimiter(rate, burst int, store *redis.Redis, key string) *TokenLimiter {
    tokenKey := fmt.Sprintf(tokenFormat, key)
    timestampKey := fmt.Sprintf(timestampFormat, key)

    return &TokenLimiter{
        rate:          rate,
        burst:         burst,
        store:         store,
        tokenKey:      tokenKey,
        timestampKey:  timestampKey,
        redisAlive:    1,
        rescueLimiter: xrate.NewLimiter(xrate.Every(time.Second/time.Duration(rate)), burst),
get token

func (lim *TokenLimiter) reserveN(now time.Time, n int) bool {
    // 判断redis是否健康
    // redis故障时采用进程内限流器
    // 兜底保障
    if atomic.LoadUint32(&lim.redisAlive) == 0 {
        return lim.rescueLimiter.AllowN(now, n)
    // 执行脚本获取令牌
    resp, err := lim.store.Eval(
            strconv.FormatInt(now.Unix(), 10),
    // redis allowed == false
    // Lua boolean false -> r Nil bulk reply
    // 特殊处理key不存在的情况
    if err == redis.Nil {
        return false
    } else if err != nil {
        logx.Errorf("fail to use rate limiter: %s, use in-process limiter for rescue", err)
        // 执行异常,开启redis健康探测任务
        // 同时采用进程内限流器作为兜底
        return lim.rescueLimiter.AllowN(now, n)

    code, ok := resp.(int64)
    if !ok {
        logx.Errorf("fail to eval redis script: %v, use in-process limiter for rescue", resp)
        return lim.rescueLimiter.AllowN(now, n)

    // redis allowed == true
    // Lua boolean true -> r integer reply with value of 1
    return code == 1
The bottom line strategy when redis fails

redis strategy is very detailed. When 061e650630cc95 is unavailable, start the stand-alone version of ratelimit as a backup current limiter to ensure that the basic current limiter is available and the service will not be overwhelmed.

// 开启redis健康探测
func (lim *TokenLimiter) startMonitor() {
    defer lim.rescueLock.Unlock()
    // 防止重复开启
    if lim.monitorStarted {

    // 设置任务和健康标识
    lim.monitorStarted = true
    atomic.StoreUint32(&lim.redisAlive, 0)
    // 健康探测
    go lim.waitForRedis()

// redis健康探测定时任务
func (lim *TokenLimiter) waitForRedis() {
    ticker := time.NewTicker(pingInterval)
    // 健康探测成功时回调此函数
    defer func() {
        lim.monitorStarted = false

    for range ticker.C {
        // ping属于redis内置健康探测命令
        if lim.store.Ping() {
            // 健康探测成功,设置健康标识
            atomic.StoreUint32(&lim.redisAlive, 1)

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