
On January 13, 2022, SegmentFault and the Open Source Society, which has been working hard and promoting open source culture for a long time, jointly launched the list of " 2021 China Open Source Pioneers 33 People " list. A number of open source pioneers were listed on the list, which immediately triggered a wide range of industries. Follow and discuss. Among them are developers who contribute code, open source project initiators, open source evangelists, open source governance experts, open source investors, open source community managers, etc. They promote the prosperity and development of the open source ecosystem.

"Open source" is the annual buzzword of China's technology development in 2021, and more and more people are paying attention to and contributing to open source.

In China, "open source" as a national strategy was written into the national "five-year plan" for the first time, and new open source commercial companies have sprung up like mushrooms and won the favor of capital. In line with international standards, there are more and more open source projects originating from China in ASF, LF, CNCF and other international open source foundations, and more and more Chinese open source pioneers are taking on important responsibilities in the top international open source foundations...

However, talking about China's grand open-source, open-source evangelist Li Jiansheng teacher (appropriate SI) had said in an interview, " real open-source world is still deserted ", to encourage people to "go to place of open source really going to go." We We also received feedback from many community developers - help developers who contribute code in the open source community to be recognized by more people?

After discussing with a group of old open source friends, SegmentFault plans to launch a list exclusively for open source developers in , which is ranked and selected entirely through the collaborative influence of GitHub developers.

Looking for the super code of the open source world

As promised, a working group composed of core members such as SegmentFault, Open Source, Tengyuan, and X-Lab was formally established at noon yesterday.

Thanks to the support of the OpenDigger project team of X-Lab, we have captured the top 10,000 accounts, collaborative influence and location information of GitHub influence in 2021, and plan to use the above data to find "Super Ma Li" in China .

Observation found that many of the top 10,000 accounts are bots, and about 1,000 users have missing location information. In order to avoid errors, we also need to do a lot of manual screening work and mark the account type in the table.

A large amount of manual screening and labeling is already underway, but more people are still needed to help. Considering the X-Lab laboratory project members have accumulated a lot of valuable experience in Wuhan2020 document collaboration project, in this project, we will also be involved with the document open, welcome developers and open source enthusiasts .


Scan the QR code or click the link: https://docs.qq.com/sheet/DQWpIT1NLZlllVlha access the collaboration document

Mark the account type in the document according to the "Information Description Sheet" in the document sheet2.

After the collaboration of the first version of the document is completed, subsequent content iterations and open discussion and collaboration will be carried out on GitHub. In the follow-up dissemination, we will give a guide to the collaboration process of this project on GitHub.

Open Source Code Force Project Github Address : https://github.com/OpenSourceWin/hacking-force

Let's Make Great Things Happen! 🚀 Open Source Code Power List - Let's be a super code girl in the open source world together!

Special thanks to

  • Thanks to the friends and developers who gave us feedback in the community for the first time (Guo Yue@Amazon Cloud Technology, Chen Yuan@Apple Cloud)
  • Active contributions in the project team: Chen Yang, Cici, Fen, Gao Yang Sunny, Gu Yeming, Jiang Bo, Joyqi, Lin Qing, Liu Tiandong Ted, Liu Yuan Leo, Ming, Qian Yun, Shan Zhihao Mark, Wang Wei, Xia Xiaoya , Xin Qing Cynthia, Zhan Yu, Zhao Shengyu Frank, Zhuang Biaowei
  • Project co-sponsors: SegmentFault, Open Source Society, Tengyuan Club, X-Lab · OpenDigger

About SegmentFault

SegmentFault think whether China's leading next-generation developer community and professional media , is the DGC (Developer Generated Content) content-rich, Q & A sector the most active developer community.

At present, it has covered and served more than 10 million developers and thousands of technology companies, helping developers solve more than millions of technical problems, and has accumulated more than 500,000 high-quality technical articles created by users. settle in.

About Open Source

Open Source Society is a community, individual and enterprise that supports open source at home and abroad. According to the principle of "contribution, consensus, and co-governance", it is a vendor-neutral, pure volunteer, non-profit open source alliance , aiming to create a healthy and sustainable development. A sustainable open source ecosystem, and promote the Chinese open source community to become an active participant and contributor to global open source software. We focus on open source governance, international integration, community development and open source projects.

About Tengyuan Club

Teng source will (WeOpen) was founded Tencent cloud convergence open source projects, open source enthusiasts, the open source community leaders open , dedicated to helping the healthy growth of open source projects, open source enthusiasts can exchange assistance, open source leaders can play a value leader , making the global open source ecosystem more prosperous.

About X-lab & OpenDigger

X-lab Laboratory is constituted by a group of renowned universities from home and abroad, the open-source start-up companies, as well as part of the Internet, companies, experts and scholars and engineers, focused on the open source industry open innovation community , long-term thinking and practice of Open Source Education, open organizational innovation, open source digital ecology and other topics.

GitHub global data analysis project initiated by X-lab laboratory. It aims to gather all kinds of open data in the open source world and the wisdom of global developers, and bring more insights to the open source world from a data perspective to help developers better. Good participation in the open source world. At present, OpenDigger has entered the Mulan community incubation.

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SegmentFault 社区管理媛 - 思否小姐姐