
In the last chapter, we introduced the Axios source code - request . In this chapter, let's introduce the part where Axios actually initiates the network request, that is, the dispatchRequest method.


The definition of this method is also relatively simple (as shown below)


Line 29 - Cancel the request

Let's break down what each line of code does, line by line, starting with the cancellation request on line 29. (as follows)


This action is not only done once before making a formal request, but also once when the request succeeds and when the request fails.

As long as it is cancel , it will not enter the success or failure callback processing. (As shown below)


throwIfCancellationRequested function does, is to detect whether the request was canceled, throw an error if it is canceled, and prevent the code from continuing down the line. (as follows)

function throwIfCancellationRequested(config) {
  if (config.cancelToken) {
    // 检测请求是否被取消,然后决定是否抛出错误

  if (config.signal && config.signal.aborted) {
    // 抛出错误
    throw new Cancel('canceled');

Of course, CancelToken is still somewhat complicated (complex in callback processing). If anyone is interested, you can talk about the processing of this part separately, and I will not expand it here.

Lines 35 ~ 40 - process the request data

config.data = transformData.call(

transformData method is used here. The main function is to merge data , and it can transformRequest method (as shown below).


The transformData method is to traverse the incoming transformRequest method, use data and headers as the transformRequest parameters of 061e3f3b915feb, and then copy the returned result to config.data data content to be sent in the final request.

Lines 43 ~ 54 - merge request headers

config.headers = utils.merge(
  config.headers.common || {},
  config.headers[config.method] || {},

  ['delete', 'get', 'head', 'post', 'put', 'patch', 'common'],
  function cleanHeaderConfig(method) {
    delete config.headers[method];

The above code mainly does two things:

  • The first thing is to merge the general headers ( common headers ) with the corresponding method headers and the original headers ;
  • The second thing is to delete the headers

Lines 56 ~ 58 - make the real request

var adapter = config.adapter || defaults.adapter;

return adapter(config).then(function onAdapterResolution(response) {
  // ...

adapter is used here, which is actually the method to initiate the request.


For example two default request method for use in running the browser when the end is XMLHttpRequest , in Node use terminal runtime http module.

Know what this configuration can do?

You can pass a custom request method here, e.g. use fetch wrapper instead of XMLHttpRequest on the client side.

You can also pass in a mock method that you have encapsulated here, which returns all local json data for mock data, so that you don't need to build an additional mock service.


Closer to home, we take a look axios default two adapter it, this article will focus on explaining the client adapter - xhrAdapter .

Client adapter - xhrAdapter

By convention, we adapter - xhrAdapter line by line.

Preparation before making a request


line 16 ~ 18Collect request data information ( requestData ), request header information ( requestHeaders ), return body type ( responseType )
line 19 ~ 28For cancelToken done deal, cancel the subscription at the time of the completion of the request, free up memory; as well as to signal treatment, this signal in the document could not see, it should also be used abort request.
line 30 ~ 32For FormData requests, remove the Content-Type request header and let the browser automatically set the request header.

Set authentication information


First, at 34 , an XMLHttpRequest created for subsequent network requests.

Then take the first 37 ~ 41 line, set for HTTP basic authentication information authentication, we can learn from this passage simply HTTP basic authentication authentication knowledge.

First password be encodeURLComponent escape coding, then the user name and password in accordance with the rules of stitching, using btoa the user name and password turned into base64 coding.

If you want to do this kind of thing yourself in the future, you can turn to this chapter again to find the content of this part of the code and copy it again.

splicing request url


The first is to concatenate the complete request url buildFullPath method. (As shown below)


It can be seen that this method will not concatenate baseURL url ( isAbsoluteURL() ).

Then, axios also uses the buildURL method to params parameter into url - which is what we often call the query parameter. (as follows)

function buildURL(url, params, paramsSerializer) {
  /*eslint no-param-reassign:0*/
  if (!params) {
    return url;

  var serializedParams;
  if (paramsSerializer) {
    serializedParams = paramsSerializer(params);
  } else if (utils.isURLSearchParams(params)) {
    serializedParams = params.toString();
  } else {
    // ...

    serializedParams = parts.join('&');

  if (serializedParams) {
    // ...
    // 在这里,将处理后的参数作为 query 查询参数拼接到 url 中
    url += (url.indexOf('?') === -1 ? '?' : '&') + serializedParams;

  return url;

This is why when axios GET method should be set in the params field.

Then, a request is initiated request.open

response callback function

The next step is to compare the core response callback function (as shown below)


line 54get all response headers
line 55get response content
line 57 ~ 64Set the promise resolve , the things you often console.log , you should be familiar

Set other callback functions

The following are basically some callback functions that XMLHttpRequest (As shown below)


XMLHttpRequest are relatively late to the front end may not be clear about what these events of the 061e3f3b916501 instance do. You can refer to the XMLHttpRequest document .

Finally, send this request. (as follows)


back to dispatchRequest

As can be seen from the above, dispatchRequest calls adapter , the following data is obtained.

  data: responseData,
  status: request.status,
  statusText: request.statusText,
  headers: responseHeaders,
  config: config,
  request: request

Then let's take a look at how dispatchRequest handles this piece of data internally. (As shown below)


line 59/72Process CancelToken , if the request has been canceled, it will not continue down
line 62~67Convert the response result through transformResponse to get the processed response data
line 69return the response

In this way, the entire axios is sorted out clearly. Let's draw a flowchart to sort it out. (As shown below)


Here on Node end of adapter not be launched explained, and the main difference is that the client following points:

  1. The request is Node the http
  2. A proxy server can be proxy , and the request will be sent to the proxy server.


Well, our interpretation of the source code of axios

It can be seen that axios is the most popular and powerful network request framework at present, the source code looks relatively clean and easy to read. It is recommended that you follow the ideas of the article.

The next chapter, we will achieve a simple axios framework contains axios some of the core functions of the axios source Interpretation series ending.

one last thing

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