After more than ten years, the recent Apache Ambari project may be "hidden" because no one wants to participate in the development.

Recently, Jayush Luniya, Cloudera engineer and chairman of Apache Ambari PMC, proposed in an email to the Ambari community titled "[VOTE] Move Apache Ambari to Attic": move the Apache Ambari project to "Attic" - shelve the project, do not Redevelopment.

Original text of the email:

“Following the process outlined here,,I'm calling a vote to move Apache Ambari to the Attic. Over the past 2 years we were only able to make one Ambari release (2.7.6) and most of the committers and PMC members haven't been actively involved in the project.It was great working with everyone of you and while I am sad to move upstairs to the attic, I believe it is time to move on.

This vote will close 72 houlis from now.
+1 from me to move to the attic.”

In the email, Jayush Luniya said: Since they have only released one Ambari version (2.7.6) in the past 2 years, most committers and PMC members are not actively involved in the project. So he proposed, "a vote on whether to move Apache Ambari to the 'Attic'".

It is reported that the voting lasted 72 hours, and within two hours after the voting email was released, it was "unanimously approved" by all developers.

At present, the name of the Apache Ambari project has not been found in the Apache official list of retired projects. If the proposal is "approved", it may become the first Apahce project to be retired in 2022.

About Apache Ambari

Apache Ambari is a tool for configuring, managing, and monitoring Apache Adoop clusters. Composed of a set of RESTful APIs and a browser-based management interface, Ambari aims to provide an intuitive and easy-to-use Hadoop management web UI, and has 24,590 commits on GitHub to date.

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