

Hello everyone, I am a forest three hearts, words of the most difficult point of knowledge with the most user-friendly is my motto, is based on the premise advanced my early heart

I believe you have heard a piece of news recently. You Yuxi issued a statement:

What's the impact

So what is the impact of Vue3

Vue3 becoming the default version will definitely increase the usage Vue3 . Then Vue3 will definitely increase greatly. so. . . To sum up in one sentence: We have to learn something new again

What to study?

In fact, we only need to see Vue3 closely related to. Next, I will talk about which technologies are closely related to Vue3


why study

The first must be Vue3 itself. Vue3 to Vue2 is great, as follows:

  • 1. Responsive Proxy instead of Object.defineProperty
  • 2. Diff algorithm level optimization
  • 3. static mark, virtual dom comparison does not compare static nodes, that is, hoistStatic static promotion
  • 4. Compostion api replaces Option api , the code writing is more concentrated
  • 5. typescript support for 061f3553179460
  • 6. The source code is smaller, less than half of Vue2
  • 7. tree-shaking load on demand

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why study

  • 1. Improve the readability and maintainability of the code
  • 2. Enhance team collaboration. When you develop collaboratively, typescript allows you to see the variables defined by other colleagues at a glance
  • 3. Improve development efficiency, typescript is a static check, and an error will be prompted before the code is saved, allowing you to solve the error before saving
  • 4. Basically, the big factories now use post-typescript for development
  • 5. Various popular libraries, frameworks, and projects have embraced typescript

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    JSX is a syntax for writing HTML in JavaScript. It was React before, but now Vue3 JSX very well, so it is necessary to spend 30 minutes to learn it.

    why study

  • 1. Compared with template , JSX more flexible
  • 2. JSX runs faster, because after all, template needs to be compiled into js-level things first
  • 3. JSX is closer to native JavaScript, you can write JSX

pros and cons

In fact, you Yuxi said on the live broadcast last time:

  • 1. template is rigid, it is easy to troubleshoot if there is a problem
  • 2. JSX is flexible, it is not easy to troubleshoot except for problems

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why study

One word - fast , anyway, I can't go back Vite Vite I think it is a scaffolding. You Yuxi also recommends Vite for development.

where soon

Where can I find my article: https://juejin.cn/post/7040750959764439048

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Pinia you can understand Vuex upgraded version to use than Vuex a lot easier

why study

  • 1. Pinia has better support for typescript
  • 2, easy to use, merged muation、action
  • 3. Built-in persistence plugin

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I'm Lin Sanxin, an enthusiastic front-end rookie programmer. If you are motivated, like the front-end, and want to learn the front-end, then we can make friends and fish together haha, touch the fish group, add me, please note [Si No]


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