Recently, Stack Overflow announced that functions such as Jobs, Developer Story, and Salary Calculator will be officially discontinued on March 31, 2022.

The disrupted features include Jobs and all job listings, saved searches, apps, messages, suggested job matches, job ads, saved resumes, Developer Story, and the Salary Calculator feature.

Back in April 2021, Prashanth published an update on the company's reforms, providing a high-level overview of Stack Overflow's talent career plans:

"We're realigning our talent business to focus more on customer-employer branding and company awareness needs and move away from jobs and direct recruiting. This will bring the product closer to what we're delivering through Stack Overflow advertising...  ."

For Stack Overflow's strategic change, many developers also expressed concern about the company's next changes. Over the next few months, Stack Overflow said, the company realigned its internal teams and developed plans to transform its talent and advertising businesses.

Reasons for the strategic shift

Before discussing the specific changes, Stack Overflow also explained the reasons for the changes to the business and products.

When considering the next phase of development, the Stack Overflow company went back to the fundamentals of the product and asked itself: How can it use its unique position to solve real, meaningful problems for users and customers?

While talent and employment have helped Stack Overflow get to where it is over the past decade, the talent acquisition space is not an area where it has a strong competitive advantage. As we all know, it is not difficult for developers to find job opportunities, the problem is that they often find the right opportunity, but get ineffective solutions from job boards. And what Stack Overflow has done is to really differentiate in this area.

Leaving this space allows Stack Overflow to refocus on products built on the company's core strengths: knowledge reuse and building communities at scale.

Specific strategic transformation measures

For this strategic shift, Stack Overflow announced the following, including some features that will be discontinued and removed on March 31, 2022:

  • Jobs: Job Searches, Saved Searches, Apps, Messages, Recommended Job Matches, and Job Ads
  • Developer Story and all saved resumes
  • Salary Calculator
  • All emails, settings and data related to these features
  • All employer-facing features related to Jobs and Developer Story

What's next

End of January 2022: Users will no longer be able to create new Developer Stories

February 2022: Users will start seeing alerts and notifications for all deprecated features

February 2022: Salary Calculator will no longer be available

Early March 2022: Users will be able to easily export all data related to Jobs and Developer Story

March 31, 2022: All remaining deprecated features will be removed from the site

Continue to support the business

Next, Stack Overflow will focus specifically on Employer Branding in the advertising section of the job search.

Employer Branding – When developers and technologists start evaluating opportunities, they often want to understand the company in order to understand the company culture, work/life balance, social and environmental policies, technology stack, and learning and development opportunities the company offers.

Academy to Innovate HR (AIHR) provides a more detailed explanation of employer branding and how companies can see it as part of their talent strategy. Next, companies can continue to use Stack Overflow's employer branding solution to promote their employer brand through company pages and other types of advertising.

Jobs and talent have been involved with Stack Overflow in some form for nearly 12 years and have played a key role in the company's growth to this stage.

The decision to "retire" these products is not a simple decision. Stack Overflow said that it understands that this decision may have an impact on the job search process of developers, and has an impact on the majority of developers who have used the above features in the past few years. Express thankfulness.

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