

Promise is an extremely common concept in front-end interviews and work, and the handwritten implementation of its various methods is also very marketable. Today, I will summarize the simple implementation of the basic methods of Promise.

catch() method

catch method is the encapsulation of the then method, and is only used to receive the error information in reject(reason) .

Because the onRejected parameter can not be passed in the then method. If it is not passed, the error information will be passed in sequence until the onRejected function is received. Therefore, when writing the promise chain call, the then method does not pass the onRejected function. Just add a catch() at the end, so that the errors that occur at promise in the chain will be caught by the last catch .

catch(onRejected) {
    return this.then(null, onRejected);

done() method

catch is called at the end of the promise chain call to capture the error information in the chain, but there may be errors inside the catch method, so some promise implementations add a method done .

done is equivalent to providing an error-free catch method, and no longer returns a promise , generally used to end a promise chain.

done() {
    this.catch(reason => {
        console.log('done', reason);
        throw reason;

finally() method

finally method is used for either resolve or reject , the parameter function of finall y will be executed.

finally(fn) {
    return this.then(value => {
        return value;
    }, reason => {
        throw reason;

Promise.all() method

Promise.all method receives a promise array, returns a new promise2 , the entire array of concurrent execution of promise , all promise state are resolved time, promise2 state resolved and return all promise results, and the results of the sequence promise same array sequentially. If there is one promise in the rejected state, the entire promise2 goes into the rejected state.

static all(promiseList) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        const result = [];
        let i = 0;
        for (const p of promiseList) {
            p.then(value => {
                result[i] = value;
                if (result.length === promiseList.length) {
            }, reject);

Promise.race() method

Promise.race method receives an array of promise , returns a new promise2 , and executes the promise in the array sequentially. There is a state of promise determined, and the state of promise2 is determined, and it is consistent with the state of this promise .

static race(promiseList) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        for (const p of promiseList) {
            p.then((value) => {
            }, reject);

Promise.resolve() and Promise.reject()

Promise.resolve used to generate a 061fd3f79ed400 with a rejected completion state, and promise is used to generate a Promise.reject promise a rejected failure state.

static resolve(value) {
    let promise;

    promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        this.resolvePromise(promise, value, resolve, reject);

    return promise;

static reject(reason) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {


The commonly used methods are basically these. There are many extension methods for Promise , which are not shown here. They are basically further encapsulation of the then method. As long as your then method has no problem, other methods can be implemented by relying on then method.


~ This article is over, thanks for reading!


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Hello everyone, I am , the author of 〖 Programming Samadhi 〗. My is " Programming Samadhi ".

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