Recently, O'Reilly released the "2022 Technology Trends" report. The data in this report demonstrates the dramatic shifts that are currently being driven by AI technology in the industry, giving us further insight into the new ways of thinking and implications brought about by the next new technology trends, as well as the big changes shaping software development and software architecture in the future. learn.
The report examines four specific types of data from January-September 2021 (search queries, questions asked to O'Reilly Answers, resource usage by title, Resource usage) and comparing it with the data row for the first nine months of 2020 finally came to an interesting conclusion.
The report's results show that with the "prevalence" of ransomware, "data" data and security topics are becoming a focus of developers' attention, while the rise of IoT and game development has reignited developers' interest in the C++ programming language. At the same time, the rapid development of newer languages such as Go and Rust is also "threatening" the status of the C language.
Hot search terms: "data", "Python", "Java" on the list
A surprising phenomenon is that many users choose to enter questions directly from the question bank into the O'Reilly Answers (the platform's search engine) search bar. This also explains why some high-frequency search questions often appear in O'Reilly Answers.
For example, the question "What is dynamic programming?" will often appear in question banks. Of course, this question is second only to "How do I write good unit test cases?" which is also very popular in the question bank.
The hot search data shows that "data" data is still one of the most important topics for users. The top five words of the hot search words are: "data", "Python", "Git", "test" and "Java" (you can see the big words in the top 15 / 20 of the hot search words in the above two hot questions part of the word.) While the phrase most frequently associated with the word "data" is "data governance" (followed by "data science", "data analysis" and "data engineering"), it can be seen that "data governance" would be The next topic worth paying attention to.
In addition, Python and Java remain the top two programming languages on the platform, although this data shows that usage of content about Python and Java has declined slightly this year, while usage of content about Rust and Go is growing rapidly (albeit relatively small).
Among them, "Kubernetes" and "AWS", "Azure" and "cloud" ranked in the top 1% of the hot search list, of which "Kubernetes" was slightly behind "Java" and "Python", but ahead of "Golang" (top 2 %) and "Rust" (4%), with "GCP" and "Google Cloud" in the top 3% of their respective lists. Questions about Kubernetes and "AWS", "Azure", and "cloud" pop up so frequently, reflecting the importance of container orchestration to modern operations, and of course the high level of attention users currently have on cloud platforms.
And words about cryptocurrencies such as "Bitcoin", "Ethereum", "crypto", "cryptocurrency" and "NFT" ("Bitcoin", "Ethereum", "Encryption", "Cryptocurrency", "NFT") are in the hot search Slightly lower on the list, but still in the top 20% of the list.
The data in the report also shows what content users actually read, watched or engaged with over the past year.
Ransomware on the rise: 'Secure' security compliance topic begins to gain traction
In the past year, "security"-related topics have frequently appeared in news reports, such as many "devastating" attacks on critical infrastructure, hospitals and enterprises by ransomware, such as in open source software and commercial software. Supply chain attacks and more.
Therefore, in this survey report, we also see a large increase in content on specific topics in the security field. Among them, the use of ransomware-related content almost tripled (a 270% increase). Content about privacy up 90%; threat modeling up 58%; identity up 50%; application security up 45%; malware up 34%; zero trust up 23%. Although "supply chain security" has not yet become a security topic, the use of content related to supply chain management has also grown by 30%.
Among them, the increase in identity-related content is a particularly important sign: since identity management is the core of zero trust, in zero trust, the components of the system need to authenticate all steps to access them, so understanding identity management It is a key step to realize zero trust.
At the same time, searches for other content have also increased: the data shows that the topic of cybersecurity has increased by 15%, while the number of views of items with the words "safety" or "cybersecurity" in the title has increased by 17% and 24% respectively. While these increases are relatively small compared to specific topics such as ransomware and privacy, the use of the "security" heading largely leads all other security topics in terms of data.
Another important sign of this data is the significant increase in content usage around compliance and governance (30% and 35%, respectively). This type of content may have been harder for tech audiences to embrace before, but that may be changing now.
Today, data and privacy topics often touch upon compliance and governance, in fact, because they are central to security management. The growth of trending data on the topic also shows that there is a growing sense that the tech industry has taken a regulatory ride, and that ride is about to “arrive.” Whether shareholders, users, or government agencies demand accountability, businesses will be held accountable. And this trend is also more objectively demonstrated in the data of this survey report.
Software development buzzwords: software architecture, Kubernetes, and microservices
Among the hot words in software development, software architecture, Kubernetes, and microservices are the three most useful keywords for user searches in 2021, with year-on-year growth of 19%, 15%, and 13% respectively, while API gateway search data is much longer. 218 %.
The above growth reflects a "law": it is easier for a small topic to have a large growth, and it is much more difficult for an already dominant topic. For example, API Gateway content gets about 1/250 the number of views as software architecture or Kubernetes content. Of course the 218% increase in API gateways is a very strong signal.
In addition, the search usage of cloud-native applications increased by 54% year-on-year, accounting for about 1/8 of the architecture or Kubernetes; the usage of container content (containers) saw a significant increase of 137%, while the growth rate of Docker was lower, but The high usage rate is no accident. Containers have proven to be the best way to package applications and services so they are platform-independent, modular, and easy to manage, a trend that will be worth watching and exploring in the future.
What exactly are we talking about when we talk about microservices running in the cloud? --Distributed Systems. The report's data also confirms this: in the past year, content usage of distributed systems has risen by 39%. The related topics Complex Systems and Complexity also saw significant increases (157% and 8%). It's also worth noting that a design pattern that's been out of favor for several years is back: usage has been very stable, up 19% year-over-year.
Of course, quantum computing is still a topic of interest, but views are still small, up 39% year-over-year. While some primitive quantum computers are already available, computers that do real work are still years away.
Programming languages: C++, Go, Rust continue to grow in popularity
In terms of programming languages, the data shows that C++ search usage has grown significantly by 13% over the past year, and usage is roughly twice that of C (content using C dropped by 3%). As we all know, C++ dominates game programming, and of course it also dominates embedded systems, so it may be invested in the booming "Internet of Things" or microservices.
At the same time, C's status today as the development language for all Unix and Linux utilities may be shifting to newer languages like Go and Rust.
The data shows that the usage of Go language content rose by 23% in the last year, and the usage of Rust has increased by 31% (the Rust language is expected to continue to grow), and the language reflects a new way of thinking about memory management and concurrency. Of course in addition to providing a clean and relatively simple model for concurrency, the Go language also represents a shift in languages that become more and more complex with each new release.
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