Earlier we talked about how to obfuscate code at . The article mentioned that there is a small pit in the use of allatori in the springboot project. This pit is when you configure in allatori.xml
<jar in="${}.jar" out="${}.jar"/>
${} will be output as a string without parsing placeholders. As a result, the following error will be reported in the package
Reason for failure
This is the original words of the official website, to the effect that if you use spring-boot-starter-parent, maven-resources-plugin only recognizes @
Why only recognize @, I posted the configuration of spring-boot-starter-parent pom, probably everyone knows what happened
Repair plan
Option 1: According to the official website, change ${} to
<jar in="" out=""/>
Option 2: Instead of directly introducing spring-boot-starter-parent, use
dependencyManagement, the placeholder is still ${}
Option 3: Modify the configuration of maven-resources-plugin
set useDefaultDelimiters to true
Option 4: In the properties tag of pom, configure the following properties
The essential reason why springboot makes maven-resources-plugin placeholder invalid is that springboot modifies the default placeholder of maven-resources-plugin. Why does springboot do this, his official website said the reason
The gist of it is to prevent any Spring placeholders in the configuration (eg ${foo}) from being built to extend. Therefore, it is recommended to use @
demo link
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