
JoJoGAN: One Shot Face Stylization. Using only one image of a face, it can learn its style and then transfer to other images. The training time is only 1-2 minutes.


Main process:

This article shares the entire process of personal practice of JoJoGAN in a local environment (non-colab). You can also follow this article to start training your favorite style.

Prepare the environment


conda create -n torch python=3.9 -y
conda activate torch

conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio cudatoolkit=11.3 -c pytorch -y

an examination:

$ python - <<EOF
import torch, torchvision
print(torch.__version__, torch.cuda.is_available())
1.10.1 True

prepare code

git clone https://github.com/mchong6/JoJoGAN.git
cd JoJoGAN

pip install tqdm gdown matplotlib scipy opencv-python dlib lpips wandb

# Ninja is required to load C++ extensions
wget https://github.com/ninja-build/ninja/releases/download/v1.10.2/ninja-linux.zip
sudo unzip ninja-linux.zip -d /usr/local/bin/
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/ninja ninja /usr/local/bin/ninja 1 --force

Then, put several *.py provided in this article into the JoJoGAN directory and get it from here: https://github.com/ikuokuo/start-deep-learning/tree/master/practice/JoJoGAN .

  • download_models.py : get model
  • generate_faces.py : generate face
  • stylize.py : Stylized
  • train.py : training

After that, in the training process section, the work flow of JoJoGAN will be described in combination with the code. Others *.py only mention the usage, not the implementation.

get model

python download_models.py to get the model, as follows:

├── arcane_caitlyn_preserve_color.pt
├── arcane_caitlyn.pt
├── arcane_jinx_preserve_color.pt
├── arcane_jinx.pt
├── arcane_multi_preserve_color.pt
├── arcane_multi.pt
├── art.pt
├── disney_preserve_color.pt
├── disney.pt
├── dlibshape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.dat
├── e4e_ffhq_encode.pt
├── jojo_preserve_color.pt
├── jojo.pt
├── jojo_yasuho_preserve_color.pt
├── jojo_yasuho.pt
├── restyle_psp_ffhq_encode.pt
├── stylegan2-ffhq-config-f.pt
├── supergirl_preserve_color.pt
└── supergirl.pt

generate face

Randomly generate faces with the StyleGAN2 pretrained model for testing:

python generate_faces.py -n 5 -s 2000 -o input

Use a pretrained style

JoJoGAN gave 8 pre-training models, which can be experienced together, the same as the renderings at the beginning of the article:

# 预览 JoJoGAN 所有预训练模型 风格化某图片(test_input/iu.jpeg)的效果
python stylize.py -i test_input/iu.jpeg -s all --save-all --show-all

# 使用 JoJoGAN 所有预训练模型 风格化所有生成的测试人脸(input/*)
find ./input -type f -print0 | xargs -0 -i python stylize.py -i {} -s all --save-all

train your own style

First, prepare a style map:

After that, start training:

python train.py -n yinshi -i style_images/yinshi.jpeg --alpha 1.0 --num_iter 500 --latent_dim 512 --use_wandb --log_interval 50

--use_wandb , you can view the training log:

Finally, test the effect:

python stylize.py -i input/girl.jpeg --save-all --show-all --test_style yinshi --test_ckpt output/yinshi.pt --test_ref output/yinshi/style_images_aligned/yinshi.png

training workflow

Prepare style images and turn them into training data

Align the face crop in the style image:

# dlib 预测人脸特征点,再裁减对齐
from util import align_face
style_aligned = align_face(img_path)

Inversely map the style image GAN Inversion back to the Latent Space of the pretrained model:

name, _ = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(img_path))
style_code_path = os.path.join(latent_dir, f'{name}.pt')

# e4e FFHQ encoder (pSp) > GAN inversion,得到 latent
from e4e_projection import projection
latent = projection(style_aligned, style_code_path, device)

Load StyleGAN2 model, train fine-tuning

Load the pretrained model:

latent_dim = 512

# 加载预训练模型
original_generator = Generator(1024, latent_dim, 8, 2).to(device)
ckpt = torch.load("models/stylegan2-ffhq-config-f.pt", map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage)
original_generator.load_state_dict(ckpt["g_ema"], strict=False)

# 准备微调的模型
generator = deepcopy(original_generator)

Training tunable parameters:

# 控制风格强度 [0, 1]
alpha = 1.0
alpha = 1-alpha

# 是否保留原图像色彩
preserve_color = True

# 训练迭代次数(最好 500,Adam 学习率是基于 500 次迭代调优的)
num_iter = 500

# 风格图片 targets 及 latents
targets = ..
latents = ..

Perform training and fit the latent space. Finally save:

# 准备 LPIPS 计算 loss
lpips_fn = lpips.LPIPS(net='vgg').to(device)

# 准备优化器
g_optim = torch.optim.Adam(generator.parameters(), lr=2e-3, betas=(0, 0.99))

# 哪些层用于交换,用于生成风格化图片
if preserve_color:
    id_swap = [7,9,11,15,16,17]
    id_swap = list(range(7, generator.n_latent))

# 训练迭代
for idx in tqdm(range(num_iter)):
    # 交换层混合风格,并加噪声
    mean_w = generator.get_latent(torch.randn([latents.size(0), latent_dim])
        .to(device)).unsqueeze(1).repeat(1, generator.n_latent, 1)
    in_latent = latents.clone()
    in_latent[:, id_swap] = alpha*latents[:, id_swap] + (1-alpha)*mean_w[:, id_swap]

    # 以 latent 风格化图片,与目标风格对比
    img = generator(in_latent, input_is_latent=True)
    loss = lpips_fn(F.interpolate(img, size=(256,256), mode='area'),
        F.interpolate(targets, size=(256,256), mode='area')).mean()

    # 优化

# 保存权重,完成
torch.save({"g": generator.state_dict()}, save_path)


JoJoGAN works well in practice. Using the code given in this article, it is easier to start training your favorite style, and it is worth trying.

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