Foreword: This time I wanted to analyze the source code of react-virtualized, but its content is too much and too complicated. Let's start with a small library, from point to point
So this time I changed to the source code of react-virtual and react-window, this is react-virtual

What is a virtual list

A virtual list means that when we have thousands of pieces of data to be displayed but the user's "window" (one-time visible content) is not large, we can use a clever method to render only the maximum number of visible pieces of the user + "BufferSize" elements and dynamically update the content in each element as the user scrolls to achieve the same effect as long list scrolling but with very few resources.


Simplest usage example:

import {useVirtual} from "./react-virtual";

function App(props) {
    const parentRef = React.useRef()

    const rowVirtualizer = useVirtual({
        size: 10000,
        estimateSize: React.useCallback(() => 35, []),

    return (
                    height: `150px`,
                    width: `300px`,
                    overflow: 'auto',
                        height: `${rowVirtualizer.totalSize}px`,
                        width: '100%',
                        position: 'relative',
                    { => (
                            className={virtualRow.index % 2 ? 'ListItemOdd' : 'ListItemEven'}
                                position: 'absolute',
                                top: 0,
                                left: 0,
                                width: '100%',
                                height: `${virtualRow.size}px`,
                                transform: `translateY(${virtualRow.start}px)`,
                            Row {virtualRow.index}

react-virtual library provides the most critical method: useVirtual Let's start with his source code here:


Let's first look at his usage of accepting parameters:

  • size: Integer

    • Number of lists to render (real number)
  • parentRef: React.useRef(DOMElement)

    • A ref, through which the viewport element is manipulated, and some properties of the viewport element are obtained
  • estimateSize: Function(index) => Integer

    • The size and length of each item, because it is a function, can return different sizes according to the index, of course, it can also return a constant
  • overscan: Integer

    • In addition to the default elements in the window, additional rendering is required to avoid scrolling too fast and rendering in time
  • horizontal: Boolean

    • Determines whether the list is horizontal or vertical
  • paddingStart: Integer

    • start padding height
  • paddingEnd: Integer

    • padding height at the end
  • keyExtractor: Function(index) => String | Integer

    • This function should be passed whenever dynamic measurement rendering is enabled and the size or order of items in the list changes.

A lot of hook-type parameters are omitted here, and many common parameters are introduced.

hooks returns the result:

  • virtualItems: Array<item>

    • item: Object
    • variable to iterate over, the number of renders in the viewport
  • totalSize: Integer

    • The size of the entire virtual container, which may vary
  • scrollToIndex: Function(index: Integer, { align: String }) => void 0

    • A calling method that can dynamically jump to an item
  • scrollToOffset: Function(offsetInPixels: Integer, { align: String }) => void 0

    • Same as above, but passing an offset

Internal source code

export function useVirtual({
                               size = 0,
                               estimateSize = defaultEstimateSize,
                               overscan = 1,
                               paddingStart = 0,
                               paddingEnd = 0,
                               keyExtractor = defaultKeyExtractor,
                               measureSize = defaultMeasureSize,
                               rangeExtractor = defaultRangeExtractor,
                           }) {
    // 上面是传参, 这里就不多赘述

    // 判断是否是横向还是纵向
    const sizeKey = horizontal ? 'width' : 'height'
    const scrollKey = horizontal ? 'scrollLeft' : 'scrollTop'

    // ref 常用的作用, 用来存值
    const latestRef = React.useRef({
        scrollOffset: 0,
        measurements: [],

    // 偏移量
    const [scrollOffset, setScrollOffset] = React.useState(0)
    latestRef.current.scrollOffset = scrollOffset // 记录最新的偏移量

    // useRect hooks 方法, 可通过传参覆盖
    // 作用是监听父元素的尺寸, 具体的 useRect 源码会放在下面
    const useMeasureParent = useObserver || useRect

    // useRect 的正式使用
    const {[sizeKey]: outerSize} = useMeasureParent(parentRef, initialRect)

    //  最新的父元素尺寸, 记录
    latestRef.current.outerSize = outerSize

    // 默认的滚动方法
    const defaultScrollToFn = React.useCallback(
        offset => {
            if (parentRef.current) {
                parentRef.current[scrollKey] = offset
        [parentRef, scrollKey]

    // 被传值覆盖的一个操作
    const resolvedScrollToFn = scrollToFn || defaultScrollToFn

    // 添加 useCallback 包裹, 避免 memo 问题, 真实调用的函数
    scrollToFn = React.useCallback(
        offset => {
            resolvedScrollToFn(offset, defaultScrollToFn)
        [defaultScrollToFn, resolvedScrollToFn]

    // 缓存
    const [measuredCache, setMeasuredCache] = React.useState({})

    // 测量的方法, 置为空对象
    const measure = React.useCallback(() => setMeasuredCache({}), [])

    const pendingMeasuredCacheIndexesRef = React.useRef([])

    // 计算测量值
    const measurements = React.useMemo(() => {
        // 循环的最小值, 判断 pendingMeasuredCacheIndexesRef 是否有值, 有则使用其中最小值, 不然就是 0
        const min =
            pendingMeasuredCacheIndexesRef.current.length > 0
                ? Math.min(...pendingMeasuredCacheIndexesRef.current)
                : 0
        // 取完一次值之后置空
        pendingMeasuredCacheIndexesRef.current = []

        // 取 latestRef 中的最新测量值, 第一次渲染应该是 0, slice 避免对象引用
        const measurements = latestRef.current.measurements.slice(0, min)

        // 循环 measuredSize从缓存中取值, 计算每一个 item 的开始值, 和加上尺寸之后的结束值
        for (let i = min; i < size; i++) {
            const key = keyExtractor(i)
            const measuredSize = measuredCache[key]
            // 开始值是前一个值的结束, 如果没有值, 取填充值(默认 0
            const start = measurements[i - 1] ? measurements[i - 1].end : paddingStart
            // item 的高度, 这里就是上面所说的动态高度
            const size =
                typeof measuredSize === 'number' ? measuredSize : estimateSize(i)
            const end = start + size
            // 最后加上缓存
            measurements[i] = {index: i, start, size, end, key}
        return measurements
    }, [estimateSize, measuredCache, paddingStart, size, keyExtractor])

    // 总的列表长度
    const totalSize = (measurements[size - 1]?.end || paddingStart) + paddingEnd

    // 赋值给latestRef
    latestRef.current.measurements = measurements
    latestRef.current.totalSize = totalSize

    // 判断滚动元素, 可以从 props 获取, 默认是父元素的滚动
    const element = onScrollElement ? onScrollElement.current : parentRef.current

    // 滚动的偏移量获取函数, 有可能为空
    const scrollOffsetFnRef = React.useRef(scrollOffsetFn)
    scrollOffsetFnRef.current = scrollOffsetFn

    //  判断是否有 window, 有的话则用 useLayoutEffect, 否则使用 useEffect
    useIsomorphicLayoutEffect(() => {
        // 如果滚动元素没有, 或者说没有渲染出来, 则返回
        if (!element) {


        // 滚动的函数
        const onScroll = event => {
            // 滚动的距离, 如果有传参数, 则使用, 否则就是用 parentRef 的
            const offset = scrollOffsetFnRef.current
                ? scrollOffsetFnRef.current(event)
                : element[scrollKey]

            // 这里使用 setScrollOffset 会频繁触发 render, 可能会造成性能问题, 后面再查看另外的源码时, 考虑有什么好的方案


        // 添加监听
        element.addEventListener('scroll', onScroll, {
            capture: false,
            passive: true,

        return () => { // 解除监听
            element.removeEventListener('scroll', onScroll)
    }, [element, scrollKey])

    // 具体源码解析在下方, 作用是通过计算得出范围 start, end 都是数字
    const {start, end} = calculateRange(latestRef.current)

    // 索引, 计算最低和最高的显示索引 最后得出数字数组, 如 [0,1,2,...,20] 类似这样
    const indexes = React.useMemo(
        () =>
                size: measurements.length,
        [start, end, overscan, measurements.length, rangeExtractor]

    // 传值measureSize, 默认是通过元素获取 offset
    const measureSizeRef = React.useRef(measureSize)
    measureSizeRef.current = measureSize

    // 真实视图中显示的元素, 会返回出去
    const virtualItems = React.useMemo(() => {
        const virtualItems = []
        // 根据索引循环 indexex 类似于 [0,1,2,3,...,20]
        for (let k = 0, len = indexes.length; k < len; k++) {
            const i = indexes[k]

            // 这里是索引对应的数据集合, 有开始尺寸,结束尺寸, 宽度, key等等
            const measurement = measurements[i]

            // item 的数据
            const item = {
                measureRef: el => {
                    // 额外有一个 ref, 可以不使用
                    // 一般是用来测量动态渲染的元素
                    if (el) {
                        const measuredSize = measureSizeRef.current(el, horizontal)

                        // 真实尺寸和记录的尺寸不同的时候, 更新
                        if (measuredSize !== item.size) {
                            const {scrollOffset} = latestRef.current

                            if (item.start < scrollOffset) {
                                // 滚动
                                defaultScrollToFn(scrollOffset + (measuredSize - item.size))


                            setMeasuredCache(old => ({
                                [item.key]: measuredSize,


        return virtualItems
    }, [indexes, defaultScrollToFn, horizontal, measurements])

    // 标记是否 mounted,  就是平常使用的 useMount
    const mountedRef = React.useRef(false)

    useIsomorphicLayoutEffect(() => {
        if (mountedRef.current) {
            // mounted 时 重置缓存
        mountedRef.current = true
    }, [estimateSize])

    // 滚动函数
    const scrollToOffset = React.useCallback(
        (toOffset, {align = 'start'} = {}) => {
            // 获取最新的滚动距离, 尺寸
            const {scrollOffset, outerSize} = latestRef.current

            if (align === 'auto') {
                if (toOffset <= scrollOffset) {
                    align = 'start'
                } else if (toOffset >= scrollOffset + outerSize) {
                    align = 'end'
                } else {
                    align = 'start'

            // 调用 scrollToFn, 真实滚动的方法
            if (align === 'start') {
            } else if (align === 'end') {
                scrollToFn(toOffset - outerSize)
            } else if (align === 'center') {
                scrollToFn(toOffset - outerSize / 2)

    // 滚动到某一个 item 上
    const tryScrollToIndex = React.useCallback(
        (index, {align = 'auto',} = {}) => {
            const {measurements, scrollOffset, outerSize} = latestRef.current

            //通过 index, 获取他的缓存数据
            const measurement = measurements[Math.max(0, Math.min(index, size - 1))]

            if (!measurement) {

            if (align === 'auto') {
                if (measurement.end >= scrollOffset + outerSize) {
                    align = 'end'
                } else if (measurement.start <= scrollOffset) {
                    align = 'start'
                } else {

            // 计算要滚动的距离
            const toOffset =
                align === 'center'
                    ? measurement.start + measurement.size / 2
                    : align === 'end'
                        ? measurement.end
                        : measurement.start
            // 调用滚动函数
            scrollToOffset(toOffset, {align,})
        [scrollToOffset, size]

    // 外部包裹函数, 为什么不直接使用 tryScrollToIndex
    // 因为动态尺寸会导致偏移并最终出现在错误的地方。
    // 在我们尝试渲染它们之前,我们无法知道这些动态尺寸的情况。
    // 这里也是一个可能会出现bug的地方
    const scrollToIndex = React.useCallback(
        (...args) => {
            requestAnimationFrame(() => {

    // 最后抛出的函数,变量
    return {


function calculateRange({measurements, outerSize, scrollOffset}) {
    const size = measurements.length - 1
    const getOffset = index => measurements[index].start

    // 通过二分法找到 scrollOffset 对应的值
    let start = findNearestBinarySearch(0, size, getOffset, scrollOffset)
    let end = start

    // 类似于 通过比例计算出最后的 end 数值
    while (end < size && measurements[end].end < scrollOffset + outerSize) {

    return {start, end}


The basis of the virtual list is to rely on the positioning of css and the calculation of JS. The wonderful combination of the two appears.
react-virtual library gives the calculation of JS, and the positioning and layout of CSS, in addition to the solution in the warehouse, there are other places that can be said,
I will explain them one by one in a later blog

Use repository:


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