Haikang H5 video player development kit demo download address: H5 video player development kit
Example of using the H5 video player development kit:

One: H5 video player development kit introduction project

Introduce all the folders and h5player.min.js in the H5 video player development kit demo into your own project

Two: Introduce the H5 video player development kit

<script src="h5player.min.js"></script>

Three: Use the H5 video player development kit to monitor playback


<div id="player"></div>


var myPlugin = new JSPlugin({
    szId: 'player', //需要英文字母开头 必填
    szBasePath: '/', // 必填,引用H5player.min.js的js相对路径
var playURL = 'XXXX';//监控地址
var mode = 0;//解码方式:0普通模式 1高级模式
var index = 0;//当前窗口下标
myPlugin.JS_Play(playURL, { playURL, mode}, index).then(
    () => { console.log('realplay success') },
    e => { console.log(e) }

According to the above, the H5 video player development kit can be implemented to play surveillance video

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