Recently, 9to5Mac reported that Apple developers may add more features to the Safari browser. According to reports, the WebKit code related to iOS 15.4 "reveals" that Apple may make a major update to the browser in early March, which includes some key changes to dark mode and more modes.

Specifically, 9to5Mac found that the WebKit code related to iOS 15.4 directly references "use per-site preferences to override the system color scheme", which is said to be a new option for end users in Safari.

That said, this will allow users to use custom dark mode settings on each website. So if you just want your web pages to render in dark mode, you can enable this feature even if the rest of the OS is still running in "light" mode.

Remember how enthusiastic users were when Apple added dark mode to its operating systems like iOS 13 and macOS. Now, Apple seems to have plans to add some new elements and more features to Safari.

"Dark Mode (Dark Mode) is a new mode introduced by Apple's iOS13 system, but on the previous Mac OS system, "General Settings - Appearance" can be implemented to adjust the light-color and dark-color switching of the interface. Apple iOS The system's dark mode, which "improves visibility for people with poor eyesight and bright light, as well as better use of the device in low-light environments".

About popups and other new features

As an open source browser engine, WebKit is also the name of Apple's version of the Mac OS X system engine framework, mainly used in Safari, Dashboard, Mail and other Mac OS X programs. This time, some changes in the WebKit code have also drawn attention to the new features of the Safari browser.

Similar to the custom dark mode option, this WebKit code also has an option worth paying attention to, which is "Support users to allow or block modal pop-ups (looks like system alerts) for specific websites on iOS and macOS".

In addition, Apple has been developing a new API to manage so-called "cookie permissions." This is because today, more and more websites are asking users for permission to collect cookies.

It's worth noting that although the WebKit code is tied to iOS 15.4 (since this is the next update), that doesn't necessarily mean these features will roll out with a software update.

It is predicted that Apple may roll out these relatively "subtle" updates for Safari on iOS 15; of course, but it is equally likely that Apple has already started preparing for these new features, and there may be more new ones for Safari. Elements are added, and they may be seen on iOS 16, which will be released later this year.

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