At the just-concluded ASF Annual Meeting, new ASF members and board members for 2022 were born. The Apache Software Foundation announced the election results of the new directors through the official blog.

Source: Apache Software Foundation official blog

Some translations:

This week the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) held its annual membership meeting and elected a new board of directors:

Rich Bowen (Former Director)
Bertrand Delacretaz (re-elected director)
Christofer Dutz (new director)
Roy Fielding (re-elected director)
Sharan Foga (re-elected director)
Willem Jiang (new director)
Sam Ruby (Re-elected Director)
Roman Shaposhnik (re-elected director)
Sander Striker (re-elected director)

Also, ASF would like to thank last year's board members: Justin Mclean, Craig Russell, and Sheng Wu for their excellent service. Let's welcome the new directors once again, as well as the returning directors!

After Wu Sheng, the first Chinese national of , was elected as the new director of the Apache Software Foundation in 2021, Jiang , the Apache Software Foundation incubator mentor, the initiator of ALC Beijing, and Huawei's open source capability expert , will become the new director of the Apache Software Foundation .


Jiang Ning was previously the founder of Apache Software Foundation Member and Apache Local Community (ALC) Beijing. He is currently a technical expert of Huawei Open Source Management Center and a former chief software engineer of Red Hat Software. He has more than 15 years of experience in enterprise-level open source middleware development. Rich experience in Java development and use, functional programming enthusiast.

Since 2006, he has been engaged in the development of the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) open source middleware project, and has participated in the development of Apache CXF, Apache Camel, Apache ServiceMix, and Apache ServiceComb. Since 2015, he has been an ASF incubator mentor, and has participated in the incubation of Apache Rocket, Apache Weex (retired), Apache Skywalking, Apache ShardingSphere, Apache IoTDB, Apache Doris(Incubating), Apache APISIX, Apache Shenyu (Incubating), Apache Kyuubi (Incubating) .

Jiang Ning was also selected as in 2020, "2020 Chinese Open Source Pioneers' Top 33 Open Source Characters" .

Previously, SegmentFault has interviewed Mr. Jiang Ning for many times. The following is part of the interview. Later, we will translate Mr. Jiang Ning's election manifesto in this Apache Software Foundation election after obtaining the official authorization of Mr. Jiang. .

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