Hello everyone, I'm DD!

Recently, apart from the Russia-Ukraine conflict, other news seems to have been submerged, and even the dog-blooded entertainment industry has become miserable.

But this picture in the WeChat group (click to join) yesterday caught my attention...


According to a group of friends, there is an application that cracks Windows on the Windows Store.

what the hell? Is the official store on the shelf to crack your own software? What kind of shit is this? Shouldn't it be a lie?

I wanted to verify it right now, but because I didn't have a Windows computer on hand, I had to wait until I got home at night. DD took out his ancestral Windows computer, opened the app store, and actually found this app...


It's just that the rating has dropped, not as high as the previous 5 points. Very curious, what caused the negative comments from netizens?

Open the comment area and give a mad like first. It's too "punishment" to praise the author of the software


There are also boasting that the Microsoft pattern is comparable to the universe (it is also the first in history to crack your own software in your own store. If there are others, please share them in the message area)



I believe you are as puzzled as I am that such an incredible piece of software can survive to this day. Check out this user's comment below:


It turns out that this software is just a tool, but the real cracking also requires the activation server address of KMS. But if the KMS server is found, isn't it also cracked? It's kind of weird though...

So what do you think about this operation? Is the audit dazzling? Or is it intentional, for other purposes? Let us know what you think in the comments section!

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