Hello everyone, I'm DD!

The technology companies caused by the recent Russian-Ukrainian conflict have lined up, and world-renowned technology companies such as Oracle, Microsoft, and Samsung have all begun to impose sanctions and blockades on Russia. Even GitHub, the freedom-loving open-source community, has published documents that would severely limit Russia's access to the technology it needs to maintain its aggressive military capabilities.

Facing the siege from the western world, I was still guessing what Russia would do next, but I didn't expect the counterattack to come quickly. I just saw a message in the group ( click to add group ), and Russia released it directly An unexpected move! What's the big move? Take a look below!

Some Russian media said that since 2015, the resource station RuTracker, which has been banned for 7 years, has been unblocked. Just tried it with DD, and it is really accessible.


There are a lot of cracking resources on RuTracker, including: Windows, Office and other well-known paid software, various cracked games that you have played or not played, and various movies, series, etc.

Therefore, when Netflix said that it would temporarily schedule the Russian service, some netizens said: Don't care, RuTracker is back!


There are also netizens cheering: the Internet revolution, the Renaissance, Russian programmers - the gift of nature.


In the face of this move by Russia, some netizens also said that they would delete all his seeds to support Ukraine.

At this time, I don't know what the software companies and game companies involved in the sanctions are thinking. And what's your opinion on this matter? Say it in the message area!

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