
learning becomes a habit, knowledge becomes common sense. Thank you for your Follow , , Favorites and .

New videos and articles will be sent on the WeChat public account as soon as possible, welcome to follow: Li Yongning lyn

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Next, we will officially enter the handwritten Vue2 series. This will not start from scratch, it will be upgraded directly based on lyn-vue , so if you have not read Vue1.x of the handwritten Vue series, please start with this article and study in order.

We all know that the problem of Vue1 is that there are too many Watchers in large-scale applications. If you don't know the principle, please check Vue Series.

So in Vue2 by introducing VNode and diff algorithm to solve this problem. By reducing the granularity of Watcher, one component corresponds to one Watcher (rendering Watcher), so that there will be no problem of performance degradation caused by too many Watchers on large pages.

In Vue1, Watcher corresponds to the responsive data in the page one by one. When the responsive data changes, Dep notifies Watcher to complete the corresponding DOM update. But in Vue2, a component corresponds to a Watcher. When the responsive data changes, the Watcher does not know where the responsive data is in the component, so how to complete the update?

After reading the previous source code series , everyone must know that Vue2 introduces VNode and diff algorithm, and compiles VNode. Every time the responsive data changes, a new VNode will be generated, and the new and old will be compared through the diff algorithm. VNode, find out where the change occurred, and then perform the corresponding DOM operation to complete the update.

Therefore, everyone can understand here that Vue1 and Vue2 actually have no changes in the core data-responsive part, and the main changes are in the compiler part.


Complete a simplified implementation of the Vue2 compiler, starting from string template parsing, and finally getting the render function.


When writing Vue1, the compiler traverses the DOM structure of the template through the DOM API. In Vue2, this method is no longer used. Instead, just like the official one, the template string of the component is directly compiled, AST is generated, and then from AST generates render functions.

First back up the compiler directory of Vue1, and then create a new compiler directory as the compiler directory of Vue2

mv compiler compiler-vue1 && mkdir compiler


 * 编译器
export default function mount(vm) {
  if (!vm.$options.render) { // 没有提供 render 选项,则编译生成 render 函数
    // 获取模版
    let template = ''

    if (vm.$options.template) {
      // 模版存在
      template = vm.$options.template
    } else if (vm.$options.el) {
      // 存在挂载点
      template = document.querySelector(vm.$options.el).outerHTML
      // 在实例上记录挂载点,this._update 中会用到
      vm.$el = document.querySelector(vm.$options.el)

    // 生成渲染函数
    const render = compileToFunction(template)
    // 将渲染函数挂载到 $options 上
    vm.$options.render = render


 * 解析模版字符串,得到 AST 语法树
 * 将 AST 语法树生成渲染函数
 * @param { String } template 模版字符串
 * @returns 渲染函数
export default function compileToFunction(template) {
  // 解析模版,生成 ast
  const ast = parse(template)
  // 将 ast 生成渲染函数
  const render = generate(ast)
  return render


 * 解析模版字符串,生成 AST 语法树
 * @param {*} template 模版字符串
 * @returns {AST} root ast 语法树
export default function parse(template) {
  // 存放所有的未配对的开始标签的 AST 对象
  const stack = []
  // 最终的 AST 语法树
  let root = null

  let html = template
  while (html.trim()) {
    // 过滤注释标签
    if (html.indexOf('<!--') === 0) {
      // 说明开始位置是一个注释标签,忽略掉
      html = html.slice(html.indexOf('-->') + 3)
    // 匹配开始标签
    const startIdx = html.indexOf('<')
    if (startIdx === 0) {
      if (html.indexOf('</') === 0) {
        // 说明是闭合标签
      } else {
        // 处理开始标签
    } else if (startIdx > 0) {
      // 说明在开始标签之间有一段文本内容,在 html 中找到下一个标签的开始位置
      const nextStartIdx = html.indexOf('<')
      // 如果栈为空,则说明这段文本不属于任何一个元素,直接丢掉,不做处理
      if (stack.length) {
        // 走到这里说说明栈不为空,则处理这段文本,并将其放到栈顶元素的肚子里
        processChars(html.slice(0, nextStartIdx))
      html = html.slice(nextStartIdx)
    } else {
      // 说明没有匹配到开始标签,整个 html 就是一段文本
  return root
  // parseStartTag 函数的声明
  // ...
  // processElement 函数的声明

// processVModel 函数的声明
// ...
// processVOn 函数的声明


 * 解析开始标签
 * 比如: <div id="app">...</div>
function parseStartTag() {
  // 先找到开始标签的结束位置 >
  const end = html.indexOf('>')
  // 解析开始标签里的内容 <内容>,标签名 + 属性,比如: div id="app"
  const content = html.slice(1, end)
  // 截断 html,将上面解析的内容从 html 字符串中删除
  html = html.slice(end + 1)
  // 找到 第一个空格位置
  const firstSpaceIdx = content.indexOf(' ')
  // 标签名和属性字符串
  let tagName = '', attrsStr = ''
  if (firstSpaceIdx === -1) {
    // 没有空格,则认为 content 就是标签名,比如 <h3></h3> 这种情况,content = h3
    tagName = content
    // 没有属性
    attrsStr = ''
  } else {
    tagName = content.slice(0, firstSpaceIdx)
    // content 的剩下的内容就都是属性了,比如 id="app" xx=xx
    attrsStr = content.slice(firstSpaceIdx + 1)
  // 得到属性数组,[id="app", xx=xx]
  const attrs = attrsStr ? attrsStr.split(' ') : []
  // 进一步解析属性数组,得到一个 Map 对象
  const attrMap = parseAttrs(attrs)
  // 生成 AST 对象
  const elementAst = generateAST(tagName, attrMap)
  // 如果根节点不存在,说明当前节点为整个模版的第一个节点
  if (!root) {
    root = elementAst
  // 将 ast 对象 push 到栈中,当遇到结束标签的时候就将栈顶的 ast 对象 pop 出来,它两就是一对儿

  // 自闭合标签,则直接调用 end 方法,进入闭合标签的处理截断,就不入栈了
  if (isUnaryTag(tagName)) {


 * 处理结束标签,比如: <div id="app">...</div>
function parseEnd() {
  // 将结束标签从 html 字符串中截掉
  html = html.slice(html.indexOf('>') + 1)
  // 处理栈顶元素


 * 解析属性数组,得到一个属性 和 值组成的 Map 对象
 * @param {*} attrs 属性数组,[id="app", xx="xx"]
function parseAttrs(attrs) {
  const attrMap = {}
  for (let i = 0, len = attrs.length; i < len; i++) {
    const attr = attrs[i]
    const [attrName, attrValue] = attr.split('=')
    attrMap[attrName] = attrValue.replace(/"/g, '')
  return attrMap


 * 生成 AST 对象
 * @param {*} tagName 标签名
 * @param {*} attrMap 标签组成的属性 map 对象
function generateAST(tagName, attrMap) {
  return {
    // 元素节点
    type: 1,
    // 标签
    tag: tagName,
    // 原始属性 map 对象,后续还需要进一步处理
    rawAttr: attrMap,
    // 子节点
    children: [],


 * 处理文本
 * @param {string} text 
function processChars(text) {
  // 去除空字符或者换行符的情况
  if (!text.trim()) return

  // 构造文本节点的 AST 对象
  const textAst = {
    type: 3,
  if (text.match(/{{(.*)}}/)) {
    // 说明是表达式
    textAst.expression = RegExp.$1.trim()
  // 将 ast 放到栈顶元素的肚子里
  stack[stack.length - 1].children.push(textAst)


 * 处理元素的闭合标签时会调用该方法
 * 进一步处理元素上的各个属性,将处理结果放到 attr 属性上
function processElement() {
  // 弹出栈顶元素,进一步处理该元素
  const curEle = stack.pop()
  const stackLen = stack.length
  // 进一步处理 AST 对象中的 rawAttr 对象 { attrName: attrValue, ... }
  const { tag, rawAttr } = curEle
  // 处理结果都放到 attr 对象上,并删掉 rawAttr 对象中相应的属性
  curEle.attr = {}
  // 属性对象的 key 组成的数组
  const propertyArr = Object.keys(rawAttr)

  if (propertyArr.includes('v-model')) {
    // 处理 v-model 指令
  } else if (propertyArr.find(item => item.match(/^v-bind:(.*)/))) {
    // 处理 v-bind 指令,比如 <span v-bind:test="xx" />
    processVBind(curEle, RegExp.$1, rawAttr[`v-bind:${RegExp.$1}`])
  } else if (propertyArr.find(item => item.match(/^v-on:(.*)/))) {
    // 处理 v-on 指令,比如 <button v-on:click="add"> add </button>
    processVOn(curEle, RegExp.$1, rawAttr[`v-on:${RegExp.$1}`])

  // 节点处理完以后让其和父节点产生关系
  if (stackLen) {
    stack[stackLen - 1].children.push(curEle)
    curEle.parent = stack[stackLen - 1]


 * 处理 v-model 指令,将处理结果直接放到 curEle 对象身上
 * @param {*} curEle 
function processVModel(curEle) {
  const { tag, rawAttr, attr } = curEle
  const { type, 'v-model': vModelVal } = rawAttr

  if (tag === 'input') {
    if (/text/.test(type)) {
      // <input type="text" v-model="inputVal" />
      attr.vModel = { tag, type: 'text', value: vModelVal }
    } else if (/checkbox/.test(type)) {
      // <input type="checkbox" v-model="isChecked" />
      attr.vModel = { tag, type: 'checkbox', value: vModelVal }
  } else if (tag === 'textarea') {
    // <textarea v-model="test" />
    attr.vModel = { tag, value: vModelVal }
  } else if (tag === 'select') {
    // <select v-model="selectedValue">...</select>
    attr.vModel = { tag, value: vModelVal }


 * 处理 v-bind 指令
 * @param {*} curEle 当前正在处理的 AST 对象
 * @param {*} bindKey v-bind:key 中的 key
 * @param {*} bindVal v-bind:key = val 中的 val
function processVBind(curEle, bindKey, bindVal) {
  curEle.attr.vBind = { [bindKey]: bindVal }


 * 处理 v-on 指令
 * @param {*} curEle 当前被处理的 AST 对象
 * @param {*} vOnKey v-on:key 中的 key
 * @param {*} vOnVal v-on:key="val" 中的 val
function processVOn(curEle, vOnKey, vOnVal) {
  curEle.attr.vOn = { [vOnKey]: vOnVal }


 * 是否为自闭合标签,内置一些自闭合标签,为了处理简单
export function isUnaryTag(tagName) {
  const unaryTag = ['input']
  return unaryTag.includes(tagName)


 * 从 ast 生成渲染函数
 * @param {*} ast ast 语法树
 * @returns 渲染函数
export default function generate(ast) {
  // 渲染函数字符串形式
  const renderStr = genElement(ast)
  // 通过 new Function 将字符串形式的函数变成可执行函数,并用 with 为渲染函数扩展作用域链
  return new Function(`with(this) { return ${renderStr} }`)


 * 解析 ast 生成 渲染函数
 * @param {*} ast 语法树 
 * @returns {string} 渲染函数的字符串形式
function genElement(ast) {
  const { tag, rawAttr, attr } = ast

  // 生成属性 Map 对象,静态属性 + 动态属性
  const attrs = { ...rawAttr, ...attr }

  // 处理子节点,得到一个所有子节点渲染函数组成的数组
  const children = genChildren(ast)

  // 生成 VNode 的可执行方法
  return `_c('${tag}', ${JSON.stringify(attrs)}, [${children}])`


 * 处理 ast 节点的子节点,将子节点变成渲染函数
 * @param {*} ast 节点的 ast 对象 
 * @returns [childNodeRender1, ....]
function genChildren(ast) {
  const ret = [], { children } = ast
  // 遍历所有的子节点
  for (let i = 0, len = children.length; i < len; i++) {
    const child = children[i]
    if (child.type === 3) {
      // 文本节点
    } else if (child.type === 1) {
      // 元素节点
  return ret


Add a sentence console.log(vm.$options.render) to the mount method, open the console, refresh the page, and see the following, indicating that the compiler is complete


Next, it will enter the formal mounting stage to complete the initial rendering of the page.


Thank you: Follow , Like , Favorite and Comment , see you in the next issue.

When learning becomes a habit, knowledge becomes common sense. Thank you for your Follow , Like , Favorites and .

New videos and articles will be sent on the WeChat public account as soon as possible, welcome to follow: Li Yongning lyn

The article has been included in the github repository liyongning/blog , welcome to Watch and Star.

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