Two days ago, I shared with you a svelte custom Tabbar+Navbar component .
What I bring to you today is the newly developed svelte custom mobile phone modal box component SveltePopup.
As shown below: Create a new Popup component directory in the lib directory.
Introduce the svelte-popup component
The pop-up window component supports two calling methods: component type ( Popup
) + function type ( svPopup
import Popup, {svPopup} from '$lib/Popup'
- Component call
{text: '确认', style: 'color:#f60;', click: () => isShowDialog=false},
<svelte:fragment slot="content"><h3>自定义slot插槽显示内容</h3></svelte:fragment>
- function call
let el = svPopup({
title: '标题信息',
content: '<p style='color:#09f;'>展示内容信息</p>',
xclose: true,
shadeClose: false,
btns: [
{text: '取消', click: () => { el.$set({open: false}) }},
{text: '确认', style: 'color:#f90;', click: () => handleOK},
onOpen: () => {},
onClose: () => {}
Some simple pop-up window effects are more convenient through function calls. For some feature-rich pop-up window displays, you can use component-based slot custom slots to display them.
<Popup bind:open={showConfirm} shadeClose="false" title="警告信息" xclose zIndex="2001"
content="<div style='color:#00e0a1;padding:20px 40px;'>确认框(这里是确认框提示信息,这里确认框提示信息,这里是确认框提示信息)</div>"
{text: '取消', click: () => showConfirm=false},
{text: '确定', style: 'color:#e63d23;', click: handleInfo},
<!-- 底部对话框 -->
<Popup bind:open={showFooter} anim="footer" type="footer" shadeClose="false" zIndex="1001"
{text: '恢复', style: 'color:#00e0a1;', click: handleInfo},
{text: '删除', style: 'color:#ee0a24;', click: () => null},
{text: '取消', style: 'color:#a9a9a9;', click: () => showFooter=false},
<!-- ActionSheet底部弹出式菜单 -->
<Popup bind:open={showActionSheet} anim="footer" type="actionsheet" zIndex="2020"
{text: '拍照', style: 'color:#09f;', disabled: true, click: handleInfo},
{text: '从手机相册选择', style: 'color:#00e0a1;', click: handleInfo},
{text: '保存图片', style: 'color:#e63d23;', click: () => null},
{text: '取消', click: () => showActionSheet=false},
<!-- ActionSheet底部弹出式菜单(仿微信weui-picker顶部按钮) -->
<Popup bind:open={showActionPicker} anim="footer" type="actionsheetPicker" round title="标题内容"
{text: '取消', click: () => showActionPicker=false},
{text: '确定', style: 'color:#00e0a1;', click: () => null},
<!-- 自定义内容 -->
<ul class="goods-list" style="padding:50px;text-align:center;">
It also supports functional -layer mode calls.
function handleInfo(e) {
let el = svPopup({
title: '标题',
content: `<div style="padding:20px;">
<p>函数式调用:<em style="color:#999;">svPopup({...})</em></p>
btns: [
text: '取消',
click: () => {
// 关闭弹窗
el.$set({open: false})
text: '确认',
style: 'color:#09f;',
click: () => {
type: 'toast',
icon: 'loading',
content: '加载中...',
opacity: .2,
time: 2
It also supports a mix of component and function calls.
svelte-popup parameter configuration
The following 20+ parameter mixed calls are supported.
// 是否打开弹窗bind:open={showDialog}
export let open = false
// 弹窗标识符
// export let id = 'svpopup-' + Math.random().toString(32)
export let id = undefined
// 标题
export let title = ''
// 内容
export let content = ''
// 弹窗类型
export let type = ''
// 自定义弹窗样式
export let popupStyle = undefined
// toast图标
export let icon = ''
// 是否显示遮罩层
export let shade = true
// 点击遮罩层是否关闭
export let shadeClose = true
// 遮罩层透明度
export let opacity = ''
// 是否显示圆角
export let round = false
// 是否显示关闭图标
export let xclose = false
// 关闭图标位置
export let xposition = 'right'
// 关闭图标颜色
export let xcolor = '#333'
// 弹窗动画
export let anim = 'scaleIn'
// 弹窗位置
export let position = ''
// 长按/右键弹窗
export let follow = null
// 弹窗自动关闭时间
export let time = 0
// 弹窗层级
export let zIndex = 202203
// 弹窗按钮组
export let btns = null
/* export let btns = [
{ text: '取消', style: 'color:#aaa', disabled: true, click: null },
{ text: '确定', style: 'color:#f90', click: null }
] */
// 函数式打开|关闭回调
export let onOpen = undefined
export let onClose = undefined
// 接收函数式移除指令
export let remove = undefined
// ...
Pop-up window template and js processing part.
<div class="sv__popup" class:opened class:sv__popup-closed={closeCls} id={id} style="z-index: {zIndex}" bind:this={el}>
{#if bool(shade)}<div class="vui__overlay" on:click={shadeClicked} style:opacity></div>{/if}
<div class="vui__wrap">
<div class="vui__wrap-section">
<div class="vui__wrap-child {type&&'popupui__'+type} anim-{anim} {position}" class:round style="{popupStyle}">
{#if title}<div class="vui__wrap-tit">{@html title}</div>{/if}
{#if icon&&type=='toast'}<div class="vui__toast-icon">{@html toastIcon[icon]}</div>{/if}
{#if $$slots.content}
<div class="vui__wrap-cnt"><slot name="content" /></div>
{#if content}<div class="vui__wrap-cnt">{@html content}</div>{/if}
<slot />
{#if btns}
<div class="vui__wrap-btns">
{#each btns as btn,index}
<span class="btn"style="{}" on:click={e => btnClicked(e, index)}>{@html btn.text}</span>
{#if xclose}<span class="vui__xclose {xposition}" style="color: {xcolor}" on:click={hide}></span>{/if}
* @Desc svelte自定义移动端弹窗组件
* @Time andy by 2022/3/15
* @About Q:282310962 wx:xy190310
// ...
import { onMount, afterUpdate, createEventDispatcher, tick } from 'svelte'
const dispatch = createEventDispatcher()
let opened = false
let closeCls = undefined
let toastIcon = {
loading: '',
success: '',
fail: '',
const bool = (boolean) => JSON.parse(boolean) ? true : false
onMount(() => {
return () => {
afterUpdate(() => {
// console.log('监听弹窗更新...')
/* if(opened) {
if(!open) {
opened = false
}else if(open) {
opened = true
} */
$: if(open) {
}else {
* 打开弹窗
async function show() {
if(opened) return
opened = true
typeof onOpen == 'function' && onOpen()
zIndex = getZIndex() + 1
// 倒计时关闭
if(time) {
if(timer[index] != null) clearTimeout(timer[index])
timer[index] = setTimeout(() => {
}, parseInt(time)*1000)
// 长按|右键菜单
if(follow) {
// ...
* 关闭弹窗
function hide() {
if(!opened) return
closeCls = true
setTimeout(() => {
opened = false
closeCls = false
open = false
// ...
}, 200)
// 点击遮罩层
function shadeClicked() {
if(bool(shadeClose)) {
// ...// 临界坐标点
function getPos(x, y, ow, oh, winW, winH) {
let l = (x + ow) > winW ? x - ow : x
let t = (y + oh) > winH ? y - oh : y
return [l, t]
At the beginning of development, only component calls are supported. I think it would be nice if it could support functional calls ( insert the component into the body, close it and remove ).
Later, on the official website of svelte, I found that new Component
can pass in the props
parameter. I tried it and found that this effect can be achieved.const component = new Component(options)
The following is an example given by the official website
import App from './App.svelte';
const app = new App({
target: document.body,
props: {
// assuming App.svelte contains something like
// `export let answer`:
answer: 42
So create a new popup.js.
import Popup from './Popup.svelte'
let uuid = function() {
return 'svpopup-' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000)
export function svPopup(options = {}) { = uuid()
const mountNode = document.createElement('div')
const app = new Popup({
target: mountNode,
props: {
open: true,
// 传入函数移除指令
remove() {
return app
export default Popup
Through the above method, the calling method of exporting component + functional is perfectly solved.
After a series of studies, I found that svelte is quite good, especially the compilation and running are fast enough and the volume is small enough. But the only pity is that I haven't found a method similar to vue's global introduction of components.
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