Project Introduction
Jeecgboot-Vue3 adopts Vue3.0, Vite, Ant-Design-Vue, TypeScript and other new technology solutions, including secondary package components, utils, hooks, dynamic menu, permission verification, button-level permission control and other functions. It is developed on the basis of Vben-Admin and is suitable for the new front-end VUE3 framework of JeecgBoot.
- The new VUE3 technology stack not only catches up with the technology trend, but also has the advantages of large-scale projects.
- A detailed zero-based introductory video is provided, and those who do not understand vue3 can also get started quickly.
- It is not a simple upgrade on the Vue2 version, but a complete rewrite, striving for the beauty of every line of code.
Current version : v1.0.0 | 2021-03-21
Source code download
- Important must-see - switch Vue3 routing:
- Background version requirements:
jeecgboot v3.0+
or above, version 3.0 is compatible with the vue3.0 front end, and a lot of adaptation work has been done.
Vue3 front-end source code | Back-end source code | |
github | | |
Code cloud | | |
Technical Documentation
- Official website:
- Online demo:
- Development documentation:
- Introductory video:
- Code generation:
- QQ exchange group: 683903138
Install and use
- Get the project code
git clone
- Installation dependencies
cd jeecgboot-vue3
yarn install
- run
yarn serve
- build
yarn build
functional module
The Vue3 version has implemented platform basic modules such as system management, system monitoring, reports, various components, front-end permissions, GUI code generation, etc. (Online forms and online reports have not been released yet)
│ ├─首页(四套首页满足不同场景需求)
│ ├─工作台
│ ├─用户管理
│ ├─角色管理
│ ├─菜单管理
│ ├─权限设置(支持按钮权限、数据权限)
│ ├─表单权限(控制字段禁用、隐藏)
│ ├─部门管理
│ ├─我的部门(二级管理员)
│ └─字典管理
│ └─分类字典
│ └─系统公告
│ └─职务管理
│ └─通讯录
│ └─对象存储
│ └─多租户管理
│ ├─网关路由配置(gateway)
│ ├─定时任务
│ ├─数据源管理
│ ├─系统日志
│ ├─消息中心(支持短信、邮件、微信推送等等)
│ ├─数据日志(记录数据快照,可对比快照,查看数据变更情况)
│ ├─系统通知
│ ├─SQL监控
│ ├─性能监控
│ │ ├─监控 Redis
│ │ ├─Tomcat
│ │ ├─jvm
│ │ ├─服务器信息
│ │ ├─请求追踪
│ │ ├─磁盘监控
│ ├─我的消息
│ ├─消息管理
│ ├─模板管理
│ ├─曲线图
│ └─饼状图
│ └─柱状图
│ └─折线图
│ └─面积图
│ └─雷达图
│ └─仪表图
│ └─进度条
│ └─排名列表
│ └─等等
│ ├─作战指挥中心大屏
│ └─物流服务中心大屏
│ ├─代码生成器功能(一键生成前后端代码,生成后无需修改直接用,绝对是后端开发福音)
│ ├─代码生成器模板(提供4套模板,分别支持单表和一对多模型,不同风格选择)
│ ├─代码生成器模板(生成代码,自带excel导入导出)
│ ├─查询过滤器(查询逻辑无需编码,系统根据页面配置自动生成)
│ ├─高级查询器(弹窗自动组合查询条件)
│ ├─Excel导入导出工具集成(支持单表,一对多 导入导出)
│ ├─平台移动自适应支持
│ ├─自定义组件示例
│ ├─JVxeTable示例(ERP行业复杂排版效果)
│ ├─单表模型例子
│ └─一对多模型例子
│ └─打印例子
│ └─一对多内嵌示例
│ └─异步树Table
│ └─图片拖拽排序
│ └─图片翻页
│ └─图片预览
│ └─PDF预览
│ ├─行编辑表格JVxeTable
│ └─省略显示组件
│ └─时间控件
│ └─高级查询 (未实现)
│ └─用户选择组件
│ └─报表组件封装
│ └─字典组件
│ └─下拉多选组件
│ └─选人组件
│ └─选部门组件
│ └─通过部门选人组件
│ └─封装曲线、柱状图、饼状图、折线图等等报表的组件(经过封装,使用简单)
│ └─在线code编辑器
│ └─上传文件组件
│ └─树列表组件
│ └─表单禁用组件
│ └─等等
│ └─Mock示例(子菜单很多)
│ └─页面&导航(子菜单很多)
│ └─组件&功能(子菜单很多)
│ ├─支持微前端
│ ├─提供CAS单点登录
│ ├─集成Websocket消息通知机制
│ ├─支持第三方登录(QQ、钉钉、微信等)
│ ├─系统编码规则
│ ├─Online在线表单
│ ├─Online代码生成器
│ ├─Online在线报表
Essential for getting started
This project requires a certain front-end basic knowledge, please make sure to master the basic knowledge of Vue, so that you can deal with some common problems. It is recommended to learn the following content before development. Knowing and learning this knowledge in advance will be very helpful for project understanding:
- Vue3 Documentation
- TypeScript
- Vue-router
- Ant-Design-Vue
- Vben Documentation
- Es6
- Vitejs
- Pinia (vuex alternative)
- Vue-RFCS
- Vue2 migrated to 3
system effect
Browser support
local development recommended to use the latest version of Chrome , does not support versions below
Chrome 80
Production environment Support modern browsers, not IE.
not support | last 2 versions | last 2 versions | last 2 versions | last 2 versions |
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