Introduction: Ali algorithm, Dr. Zhejiang University will take you to write the project experience!


resume module

The resumes of freshmen recruited by the school mainly include: basic information, educational background, work/internship experience, scientific research/project experience, honorary/award title, organization/society experience, and other personal evaluations. The first four items are mandatory and the information that recruiters care about most. Honors/awards and organizational/society experience can be used as additional supplements to the applicant's overall ability. Information such as personal evaluations usually do not receive special attention, and information that is beneficial to applicants can be put on it.

  • Basic information : The contact information given should ensure immediate contact, otherwise important information will be easily delayed.
  • Educational background : If you have good grades in school or if your tutor or laboratory during graduate school is very well-known, you can also reflect it in your resume.
  • Work/internship experience : Excellent internship experience is a bonus. You can describe in detail your main work content and achievements during the internship.
  • Scientific research/project experience : With the improvement of the university's scientific research strength, it has become more and more common for university recruits to have scientific research or project experience. For some positions with high technical requirements (such as algorithm positions), project research experience is also very important. The thesis, patent or horizontal project in which the laboratory is involved can be the professional level of the applicant in a certain field, and the relevant experience can be described in detail.


Project experience

1. STAR Rule


Describing the project is the core and most troublesome part of a resume. A good project description clearly allows others to see the candidate's contributions and abilities, whereas a poor project description gives the impression that he has done it but doesn't seem to know what to do.

The core goal of the project description is to clearly answer three questions:

(1) Why do you do this?

(2) What action was taken to do this?

(3) What was the final result?

A very famous rule is called the STAR rule . STAR is the first letter of the four words Situation (situation), Task (goal), Action (behavior), and Result (result):

  • Situation: What was the context in which the project took place?
  • Task: What is the task of the project and what is the goal to achieve?
  • Action: What was the solution to this task?
  • Result: (Quantitative) Describe what was the final result?

2. Specific cases

Specifically, we can understand it through a practical case (authorized by the author), the author participated in a BERT pre-training network QAT quantitative research project.

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  • Situation: The red box illustrates the context of the project, which is difficult to deploy due to the large number of model parameters.
  • Task: The blue box illustrates the project goal, and the model needs to be quantified to speed up inference.
  • Action: The green box is what kind of behavior is used to achieve the goal. It usually starts with a verb. Some of the key words reflected here will be the focus of the interview process.
  • Result: The dark blue box is the final result, which is finally accelerated by four times without loss of accuracy. When describing the results, it is recommended to describe the results as "quantitatively" as possible. Objective data will be more accurate than subjective descriptions. have pursuasive power.

From this case, we can see that the number of words in the entire description is not much, but not a single sentence is redundant . And the logic is very clear, divided into three parts to describe the four points of STAR. Correspondingly, the negative example is to spend a long time describing a project, but it is not clear what you have done.

3. Three questions

When describing a project, we can compare the STAR rule to see if these key points are clearly expressed. Then we can ask ourselves the following three questions :

  • Opinion or behavior?
  • Is it your own behavior or the behavior of others?
  • Is it a general summary or a specific event?

If the above three questions are answered with red options, it means that the project description is qualified.

A resume is a presentation of a person's past experience . Usually, hard work will be rewarded. I believe that all the juniors and juniors can show their level of 100 points in the resume, and they can all get the ideal offer in the school recruitment season.

The original intention of the activity

Alibaba advocates "3 hours for everyone's public welfare", in order to stimulate the kindness in everyone's heart, and release the kindness through personal professionalism. We formed a non-governmental public welfare organization called Burning Bar Youth Happiness Group, hoping to find more "seniors and seniors" with such kindness and ability. College students and personal developers for personal growth, provide information and help within their ability. At the same time, I have always felt that such sharing and dialogue are equal and mutually beneficial. It is also a kind of beauty and happiness that we can have the opportunity to collide with young souls and see more outstanding people struggling to move forward.

——Wang Kexin, Alibaba, activity volunteer

In addition to resume guidance, it also provides Ali internal promotion opportunities (registration address):


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