Author: Michael Thiessen
Translator: Front-end Xiaozhi Source: medium
If you have dreams and dry goods, you can search for [Great Move to the World] on WeChat and pay attention to this Shawanzhi who is still washing dishes in the early hours of the morning.
This article GitHub has been included, there are complete test sites, materials and my series of articles for interviews with first-line manufacturers.
It was recently discovered that we can use v-for
for deconstruction.
This works because Vue hoists the entire first part of v-for
directly into the function's arguments section:
<li v-for="____ in array">
function (____) {
Vue then uses this function internally to render the list.
This says that any valid Javascript that can be placed in parentheses in a function can also be placed in a v-for, like this:
<li v-for="{
// Set a default
radius = 20,
// Destructure nested objects
point: { x, y },
} in circles">
You can do bad things here, just don't get too crazy 😉.
Everyone said that there is no project to write on the resume, so I helped you find a project, and also included a [Building Tutorial] .
Other v-for tricks
It is known that the index can be obtained from v-for
by using a tuple like this:
<li v-for="(movie, index) in [
'Lion King',
'The Princess Bride'
{{ index + 1 }} - {{ movie }}
When using an object, you can also capture key
<li v-for="(value, key) in {
name: 'Lion King',
released: 2019,
director: 'Jon Favreau',
{{ key }}: {{ value }}
You can also combine these two methods to get the key and index of a property:
<li v-for="(value, key, index) in {
name: 'Lion King',
released: 2019,
director: 'Jon Favreau',
#{{ index + 1 }}. {{ key }}: {{ value }}
Vue does support iteration over Map
and Set
objects, but since they are not reactive in Vue 2.x , their usefulness is very limited. We can also use any Iterable here, including generators.
By the way, I sometimes use Map
or Set
, but usually only as an intermediate object for calculations. For example, if I need to find all unique strings in a list, I can do this:
computed() {
uniqueItems() {
// 从数组创建一个Set,删除所有重复项
const unique = new Set(this.items);
// 将该 Set 转换回可用于 Vue 的数组
return Array.from(unique);
String sum v-for
Did you know that you can also use v-for
to iterate over strings?
This is not in the documentation, I just found it while reading through the code to figure out how v-for
is implemented:
<p v-for="character in 'Hello, World'">
{{ character }}
The above will print each character.
The bugs that may exist in editing cannot be known in real time. In order to solve these bugs afterwards, a lot of time is spent on log debugging. By the way, here is a useful BUG monitoring tool , Fundebug .
communicate with
If you have dreams and dry goods, you can search for [Great Move to the World] on WeChat and pay attention to this Shawanzhi who is still washing dishes in the early hours of the morning.
This article GitHub has been included, there are complete test sites, materials and my series of articles for interviews with first-line manufacturers.
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