Open source project recommendation

Grafana Mimir

Grafana Mimir is a new open source project of Grafana Labs to provide persistent storage for Prometheus. The open source license agreement is AGPL-3.0. Grafana has open sourced Cortex before, but Grafana Cloud uses internal commercial storage, so the Grafana team needs to maintain two sets of codes. Maybe it is too tiring to maintain two sets of codes, so the storage used by Grafana Cloud is open sourced, which is Grafana Mimir.

Open Policy Registry

Open Policy Registry is a mirror repository for sharing Open Policy Agent policies, and also provides a CLI tool, you can push/pull various workflows just like using Docker. The mirror repository follows the OCI specification, so cosign can also be used to sign the "mirror" of the policy.

Caddy SSH

Caddy SSH is a modular and extensible SSH Server that is not a standalone service, but a module for Caddy. This project aims to provide a more secure modern SSH server.

Detector for Docker Socket

Detector for Docker Socket is a kubectl plugin to detect if a Docker socket (docker.sock) is mounted on a workload in a Kubernetes cluster. E.g:

 $ kubectl dds --verbose
NAMESPACE       TYPE            NAME                    STATUS
default         deployment      deploy-docker-volume    mounted
default         daemonset       ds-docker-volume        mounted
default         statefulset     ss-docker-volume        mounted
default         job             job-docker-volume       mounted
default         cron            cron-docker-volume      mounted
kube-system     pod             pod-docker-volume       mounted
kube-system     daemonset       aws-node                not-mounted
kube-system     daemonset       ebs-csi-node            not-mounted
kube-system     daemonset       kube-proxy              not-mounted
test1           deployment      deploy-docker-volume    mounted


Kaar can package the deployment manifest, configuration and related Docker images of Kubernetes applications into an OCI-compliant compressed package, which can be pushed to the OCI image repository.

├── deploy.yaml   # References a container image
├── Dockerfile
├── main.go
└── service.yaml

kaar [flags] [archive] [path]
kaar -cf myapp.kaar ./app        Create an archive with container images referenced in deploy.yaml
kaar -xf myapp.karr ./app        Extract an archive with container images referenced in deploy.yaml

 -x Extract
 -f File
 -z Zip
 -c Create


SystemSix is an e-ink screen desktop that runs on the Raspberry Pi, and you can use it to display a calendar or weather forecast.


Warp is a blazingly fast, Rust-based terminal that makes you and your team more productive.

Article recommendation

Open source function computing platform OpenFunction nanny-level introductory tutorial

OpenFunction is a modern cloud-native FaaS (Function as a Service) framework. It introduces many excellent open source technology stacks, including Knative, Tekton, Shipwright, Dapr, KEDA, etc. These technology stacks provide a new generation of open source function computing platforms. infinite possibilities. This article introduces how to quickly deploy and get started with OpenFunction, and experience how synchronous functions work through a demo.

Tuling Technology SaaS system containerization best practices

Tuling (Chengdu) Technology Co., Ltd. is a material resource supplier for Internet online template websites, providing customers with template output and systematic solutions. Help customers to output standardized design products. This article introduces some mental processes of Tuling Technology in the process of using the KubeSphere platform to realize the containerization of the company's business system.

OpenFunction 0.6.0 released: FaaS observability, HTTP sync function enhancements, and more

OpenFunction 0.6.0 brings a number of interesting features, including function plugins, distributed tracing of functions, controlling autoscaling, HTTP functions triggering asynchronous functions, and more. At the same time, the asynchronous runtime definition has also been refactored. The core API has also been upgraded from v1alpha1 to v1beta1 .

Cloud Native Dynamics

Qumulo improves DevOps capabilities with new CSI driver

A few days ago, Qumulo announced support for Kubernetes customers with the Container Storage Interface (CSI) driver as a production preview. Now, customers innovating with Kubernetes don't have to set up the storage interface every time they bring up or shut down a cluster -- the process is automated and provides maximum Qumulo analytics for containerized applications so customers can easily understand what's going on with their stored data .

OpenFunction 0.6.0 released

OpenFunction is an open source cloud-native FaaS (Function as a Service) platform designed to help developers focus on business logic research and development. A few days ago, OpenFunction released the latest version v0.6.0.

OpenFunction 0.6.0 brings a number of interesting features, including function plugins, distributed tracing of functions, controlling autoscaling, HTTP functions triggering asynchronous functions, and more. At the same time, the asynchronous runtime definition has also been refactored. The core API has also been upgraded from v1alpha1 to v1beta1.

[etcd v3.5.[0-2] version is no longer recommended for production]( "etcd v3.5 is no longer recommended. [0-2] version for production")

The minimum recommended versions of etcd to run in production are 3.3.18+, 3.4.2+.

The etcd v3.5.[0-2] release is no longer recommended for production use due to data corruption issues.

Data corruption issues with v3.5: Running etcd v3.5.2, v3.5.1, and v3.5.0 under heavy load can cause data corruption issues. If the etcd process is killed, occasionally some committed transactions are not reflected on all members.

Kubernetes releases 2022 release cycle survey

The survey was designed to help Kubernetes determine how often a release should be released, and the Kubernetes project committed to surveying users and contributors to determine whether a newer schedule of 3 releases per year would be optimal. Whether you are an individual or an organization representing your work, you can fill out this survey to provide feedback.

This article is published by OpenWrite , a multi-post blog platform!

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KubeSphere 是一个开源的以应用为中心的容器管理平台,支持部署在任何基础设施之上,并提供简单易用的 UI,极大减轻日常开发、测试、运维的复杂度,旨在解决 Kubernetes 本身存在的存储、网络、安全和易用性等痛...