
About 3 years ago, after realizing the common challenges faced by developers, IT operators, and DevOps teams when running Spring Boot applications at scale, we began an active search for solutions with VMware and launched Azure Spring Cloud. Since then, we have had the opportunity to work with many clients to help them adopt the service, including Bosch, Digital Realty, Kroger, Liantis, Morgan Stanley, National Life, Raley's and Swiss Re. A fully managed infrastructure lets them focus on their applications, while the service manages dynamic scaling, security patches, out-of-the-box monitoring tools, and more. Many organizations run thousands of Spring Boot applications locally and need advanced features to accelerate their Spring modernization projects. Based on the experience gained from customer engagement, we built a new Azure Spring Cloud layer - Enterprise.

(Azure Spring Cloud Enterprise is now available in public preview.)

more efficient and faster

▌Deploy and manage Spring and polyglot applications

The fully managed VMware Tanzu Build Service in Azure Spring Cloud Enterprise uses open source Cloud Native Buildpacks and commercial VMware Tanzu Buildpacks to automate container creation, management and governance at enterprise scale. Tanzu Build Service provides a higher level of abstraction for building applications and provides a balance of control that eases the operational burden on developers and supports enterprise IT operators managing applications at scale. Tanzu Buildpacks make it easier to build Spring, Java, NodeJS, Python, Go and .NET Core applications and configure application performance monitoring agents such as Application Insights, New Relic, Dynatrace, AppDynamics and Elastic.

▌ Easily route client requests to applications

You can easily manage and discover request routing and APIs exposed by your application using the fully managed Spring Cloud Gateway for VMware Tanzu and the API Portal for VMware Tanzu.

Tanzu's Spring Cloud Gateway efficiently routes different client requests to applications in Azure Spring Cloud, Azure and/or on-premises, and addresses cross-cutting considerations for applications behind the gateway, such as: security, routing, rate limiting, Caching, monitoring, resiliency and hiding applications.

▌Flexible and configurable VMware Tanzu components

With Azure Spring Cloud Enterprise, you can use fully managed VMware Tanzu components on Azure. During enterprise instance creation, you can choose which VMware Tanzu components you want to use in your environment, bringing you additional value, such as:

  • Scale your enterprise application portfolio from a few to thousands of applications while delegating operational complexity to Microsoft and VMware;
  • Completion and migration of Spring applications in Azure Spring Cloud and any other computing environment;
  • Control your build dependencies, deploy polyglot applications, and deploy Spring Cloud middleware components as needed.

Unlock the full potential of Spring with Long Term Support (LTS)

Azure Spring Cloud Enterprise includes VMware Spring runtime support for application development and deployment. This support gives you access to Spring experts, unlocking the full potential of the Spring ecosystem and developing and deploying applications faster.

Fully integrated into the Azure and Java ecosystem

Azure Spring Cloud, including the enterprise tier, runs on Azure in a fully managed environment. You get the many benefits of the Azure and Java ecosystems. For example, once an enterprise service instance is created and the application is deployed, it can be easily monitored using Application Insights or any other application performance management tool of your choice.

Learn more about Azure Spring Cloud in 3 minutes

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