
Hello everyone, I'm Alang. I need to use current limiting in my work recently. This article introduces common current limiting methods.

The article is continuously updated, you can follow the official account programmer Alang or visit the unread code blog .
This article has been included in Github.com/niumoo/JavaNotes , welcome to Star.
Java 18 was officially released on March 22, 2022. Java 18 is not a long-term support version. This update brings a total of 9 new features.

OpenJDK Java 18 download: https://jdk.java.net/18/

OpenJDK Java 18 Documentation: https://openjdk.java.net/projects/jdk/18/

JEP describe
JEP 400 Default is UTF-8
JEP 408 simple web server
JEP 413 Code snippets from the Java API documentation
JEP 416 Reimplement core reflection using method handles
JEP 417 Vector API (three incubations)
JEP 418 Internet Address Resolution SPI
JEP 419 Foreign Function & Memory API (second incubation)
JEP 420 switch pattern matching (secondary preview)
JEP 421 Deprecated complete removal

JEP 400: Default UTF-8 Character Encoding

JDK has always supported UTF-8 character encoding. This time, UTF-8 is set as the default encoding, that is, without any specification, all JDK APIs that require encoding use UTF-8 encoding by default. In this way, coding problems caused by different systems, different regions, and different environments can be avoided.

Mac OS uses UTF-8 as the default encoding by default, but on other operating systems, the encoding may depend on system configuration or locale settings. For example, windows in mainland China use GBK as the default encoding. When learning Java for the first time, many students may have encountered a situation where a normal Java class is written, but garbled characters appear when running in the command console of the windows system.

Use the following command to output the current encoding of the JDK.

 # Mac 系统,默认 UTF-8
➜  ~ java -XshowSettings:properties -version 2>&1 | grep file.encoding
    file.encoding = UTF-8
    file.encoding.pkg = sun.io
➜  ~

Let's write a simple Java program, output the default character encoding, and then output the Chinese character "Hello" to see the difference between Java 18 and Java 17.

System environment: Windows 11

 import java.nio.charset.Charset;

public class Hello{
    public static void main(String[] args) {

As can be seen from the running results below, the default character encoding output by running JDK 17 is GBK, and the output Chinese "Hello" is garbled; the garbled characters are because the default text editor encoding of VsCode is UTF-8, while the Chinese "Hello" is garbled. The default character encoding of Windows 11 in the region is GBK, which is also the encoding obtained by JDK 17 by default, so it will be garbled in console output; and the default encoding of JDK 18 output is UTF-8, so you can output Chinese "Hello" normally ".

JEP 408: Simple Web Server

In Java 18, a new command is provided jwebserver , running this command can start a simple, minimal static web server, it does not support CGI and Servlet, so the best usage scenario is to use Testing, education, presentations, etc.

In fact, many platforms such as Python, Ruby, PHP, Erlang, etc. provide out-of-the-box web servers. It can be seen that a simple web server is a common requirement. Java has never supported this aspect, but now it is possible.

In Java 18, use jwebserver to start a web server, which publishes the current directory by default.

Create a web page file index.html in the current directory

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />

start jwebserver .

 ➜  bin ./jwebserver
Binding to loopback by default. For all interfaces use "-b" or "-b ::".
Serving /Users/darcy/develop/jdk-18.jdk/Contents/Home/bin and subdirectories on port 8000

Browser access:


When there is a request, the request information will be output in the console: - - [26/3月/2022:16:53:30 +0800] "GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1" 404 - - - [26/3月/2022:16:55:13 +0800] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 -

Through the help parameter, you can view the supported parameters of jwebserver .

 ➜  bin ./jwebserver --help
Usage: jwebserver [-b bind address] [-p port] [-d directory]
                  [-o none|info|verbose] [-h to show options]
                  [-version to show version information]
-b, --bind-address    - 绑定地址. Default: (loopback).
                        For all interfaces use "-b" or "-b ::".
-d, --directory       - 指定目录. Default: current directory.
-o, --output          - Output format. none|info|verbose. Default: info.
-p, --port            - 绑定端口. Default: 8000.
-h, -?, --help        - Prints this help message and exits.
-version, --version   - Prints version information and exits.
To stop the server, press Ctrl + C.

JEP 413: Support for code snippets in Javadoc

Before Java 18, the introduction of code snippets in Javadoc has been supported, which can better display descriptive information in some scenarios, but the previous support functions are limited. For example, I want to highlight a certain piece of code in the code snippet is powerless. . Now Java 18 optimizes this problem, adding @snippet to introduce more advanced code snippets.

Before Java 18, use <pre>{@code ...}</pre> to import code snippets.

  * 时间工具类
  * Java 18 之前引入代码片段:
  * <pre>{@code
  *     public static String timeStamp() {
  *        long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
  *         return String.valueOf(time / 1000);
  *     }
  * }</pre>

After generating Javadoc, the effect is as follows:

Javadoc 代码片段

Highlight code snippets

Since Java 18, you can use @snippet to generate comments and to highlight a code fragment.

 * 在 Java 18 之后可以使用新的方式
 * 下面的代码演示如何使用 {@code Optional.isPresent}:
 * {@snippet :
 * if (v.isPresent()) {
 *     System.out.println("v: " + v.get());
 * }
 * }
 * 高亮显示 println
 * {@snippet :
 * class HelloWorld {
 *     public static void main(String... args) {
 *         System.out.println("Hello World!");      // @highlight substring="println"
 *     }
 * }
 * }

The effect is as follows, more intuitive and better.

Java 18 Javadoc

Regular highlight code snippet

You can even use regular expressions to highlight certain keywords in a paragraph:

  * 正则高亮:
  * {@snippet :
  *   public static void main(String... args) {
  *       for (var arg : args) {                 // @highlight region regex = "\barg\b"
  *           if (!arg.isBlank()) {
  *               System.out.println(arg);
  *           }
  *       }                                      // @end
  *   }
  *   }

The generated Javadoc looks like this:

replace code snippet

You can use regular expressions to replace a piece of code.

   * 正则替换:
   * {@snippet :
   * class HelloWorld {
   *     public static void main(String... args) {
   *         System.out.println("Hello World!");  // @replace regex='".*"' replacement="..."
   *     }
   * }
   * }

This comment produces the following Javadoc effect.

 class HelloWorld {
    public static void main(String... args) {

Attachment: Javadoc generation method

 # 使用 javadoc 命令生成 Javadoc 文档
➜  bin ./javadoc -public -sourcepath ./src -subpackages com -encoding utf-8 -charset utf-8 -d ./javadocout
# 使用 Java 18 的 jwebserver 把生成的 Javadoc 发布测试
➜  bin ./jwebserver -d /Users/darcy/develop/javadocout

Access test:

JEP 416: Reimplementing Reflection Core Functionality Using Method Handles

Java 18 improves the implementation logic of java.lang.reflect.Method and Constructor to make it perform better and faster. This change will not change the related API, which means that you can experience better performance reflection without changing the reflection-related code in development.

OpenJDK officially gives the reflection performance benchmark results of the new and old implementations.

Before Java 18:

 Benchmark                                     Mode  Cnt   Score  Error  Units
ReflectionSpeedBenchmark.constructorConst     avgt   10  68.049 ± 0.872  ns/op
ReflectionSpeedBenchmark.constructorPoly      avgt   10  94.132 ± 1.805  ns/op
ReflectionSpeedBenchmark.constructorVar       avgt   10  64.543 ± 0.799  ns/op
ReflectionSpeedBenchmark.instanceFieldConst   avgt   10  35.361 ± 0.492  ns/op
ReflectionSpeedBenchmark.instanceFieldPoly    avgt   10  67.089 ± 3.288  ns/op
ReflectionSpeedBenchmark.instanceFieldVar     avgt   10  35.745 ± 0.554  ns/op
ReflectionSpeedBenchmark.instanceMethodConst  avgt   10  77.925 ± 2.026  ns/op
ReflectionSpeedBenchmark.instanceMethodPoly   avgt   10  96.094 ± 2.269  ns/op
ReflectionSpeedBenchmark.instanceMethodVar    avgt   10  80.002 ± 4.267  ns/op
ReflectionSpeedBenchmark.staticFieldConst     avgt   10  33.442 ± 2.659  ns/op
ReflectionSpeedBenchmark.staticFieldPoly      avgt   10  51.918 ± 1.522  ns/op
ReflectionSpeedBenchmark.staticFieldVar       avgt   10  33.967 ± 0.451  ns/op
ReflectionSpeedBenchmark.staticMethodConst    avgt   10  75.380 ± 1.660  ns/op
ReflectionSpeedBenchmark.staticMethodPoly     avgt   10  93.553 ± 1.037  ns/op
ReflectionSpeedBenchmark.staticMethodVar      avgt   10  76.728 ± 1.614  ns/op

New implementation in Java 18:

 Benchmark                                     Mode  Cnt    Score   Error  Units
ReflectionSpeedBenchmark.constructorConst     avgt   10   32.392 ± 0.473  ns/op
ReflectionSpeedBenchmark.constructorPoly      avgt   10  113.947 ± 1.205  ns/op
ReflectionSpeedBenchmark.constructorVar       avgt   10   76.885 ± 1.128  ns/op
ReflectionSpeedBenchmark.instanceFieldConst   avgt   10   18.569 ± 0.161  ns/op
ReflectionSpeedBenchmark.instanceFieldPoly    avgt   10   98.671 ± 2.015  ns/op
ReflectionSpeedBenchmark.instanceFieldVar     avgt   10   54.193 ± 3.510  ns/op
ReflectionSpeedBenchmark.instanceMethodConst  avgt   10   33.421 ± 0.406  ns/op
ReflectionSpeedBenchmark.instanceMethodPoly   avgt   10  109.129 ± 1.959  ns/op
ReflectionSpeedBenchmark.instanceMethodVar    avgt   10   90.420 ± 2.187  ns/op
ReflectionSpeedBenchmark.staticFieldConst     avgt   10   19.080 ± 0.179  ns/op
ReflectionSpeedBenchmark.staticFieldPoly      avgt   10   92.130 ± 2.729  ns/op
ReflectionSpeedBenchmark.staticFieldVar       avgt   10   53.899 ± 1.051  ns/op
ReflectionSpeedBenchmark.staticMethodConst    avgt   10   35.907 ± 0.456  ns/op
ReflectionSpeedBenchmark.staticMethodPoly     avgt   10  102.895 ± 1.604  ns/op
ReflectionSpeedBenchmark.staticMethodVar      avgt   10   82.123 ± 0.629  ns/op

It can be seen that the performance is slightly better in some scenarios.

JEP 417: Vector API (Three Incubations)

A new API was introduced in Java 16 for vector computation, which can be reliably compiled at runtime to supported CPU architectures, enabling better computing power.

The Vector API performance has been improved in Java 17, with enhancements such as operations on characters, conversions between byte vectors and boolean arrays, and more.

Its performance will continue to be optimized in JDK 18 now.

JEP 418: Internet Address Resolution SPI

For the Internet Address Resolution SPI, define an SPI for host address and domain address resolution so that java.net.InetAddress can use resolvers other than the platform's built-in resolvers.

 InetAddress inetAddress = InetAddress.getByName("www.wdbyte.com");
// 输出

JEP 419: Foreign Function & Memory API (Second Incubation)

The new API allows Java developers to interact with code and data outside the JVM, by calling external functions, and calling native libraries without using JNI.

This is an incubation feature; need to add --add-modules jdk.incubator.foreign to compile and run Java code, Java 18 improves the related API to make it easier to use.


JEP 420: Switch Expressions (Secondary Incubation)

Improvements to Switch have been underway since Java 17, and Java 17's JEP 406 has enhanced Switch expressions to reduce the amount of code.

Here are a few examples:

 // JDK 17 以前
static String formatter(Object o) {
    String formatted = "unknown";
    if (o instanceof Integer i) {
        formatted = String.format("int %d", i);
    } else if (o instanceof Long l) {
        formatted = String.format("long %d", l);
    } else if (o instanceof Double d) {
        formatted = String.format("double %f", d);
    } else if (o instanceof String s) {
        formatted = String.format("String %s", s);
    return formatted;

After Java 17, it can be improved by writing the following:

 // JDK 17 之后
static String formatterPatternSwitch(Object o) {
    return switch (o) {
        case Integer i -> String.format("int %d", i);
        case Long l    -> String.format("long %d", l);
        case Double d  -> String.format("double %f", d);
        case String s  -> String.format("String %s", s);
        default        -> o.toString();

switch can be combined with null to judge:

 static void testFooBar(String s) {
    switch (s) {
        case null         -> System.out.println("Oops");
        case "Foo", "Bar" -> System.out.println("Great");
        default           -> System.out.println("Ok");

Complex expressions can be added to case:

 static void testTriangle(Shape s) {
    switch (s) {
        case Triangle t && (t.calculateArea() > 100) ->
            System.out.println("Large triangle");
        default ->
            System.out.println("A shape, possibly a small triangle");

Type judgment can be performed in case:

 sealed interface S permits A, B, C {}
final class A implements S {}
final class B implements S {}
record C(int i) implements S {}  // Implicitly final

static int testSealedExhaustive(S s) {
    return switch (s) {
        case A a -> 1;
        case B b -> 2;
        case C c -> 3;

Extension: JEP 406: Type Matching for Switch (Preview)

JEP 421: Deprecation Removal Related

Finalization will be removed in the future, currently Finalization is still enabled by default, but can be disabled manually; in future releases, it will be disabled by default; in future releases, it will be removed. For resource management, try try-with-resources or java.lang.ref.Cleaner .

refer to


You can search for the programmer Alang on WeChat or visit the unread code blog to read.
This article has been included in Github.com/niumoo/JavaNotes , welcome to Star.

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