"Computer Architecture Fundamentals"
This is the open source version of "Computer Architecture Fundamentals" (third edition) written by Mr. Hu Weiwu of the Godson team and others. Hu Weiwu is a well-known computer expert, the chairman of Godson Zhongke Technology Co., Ltd., and the chief designer of my country's first general-purpose processor, Godson.
From the perspective of microprocessor design, the author will fully consider the discipline integrity of computer architecture, emphasizing the integration of architecture, basic software, circuits and devices.
The book is divided into 12 chapters, including instruction system structure, computer hardware structure, CPU microstructure, parallel processing structure, computer performance analysis and other main content.
This book can be used as a textbook for undergraduates in the "Computer Architecture" course in colleges and universities, and is also suitable for reference reading by postgraduates or computer technicians in related fields.
Address: https://github.com/foxsen/archbase
"Scientific Visualization: Python + Matplotlib"
Recently, Nicolas P. Rougier, a researcher from the French Institute of Computer Science, has written a book on scientific visualization with Python and Matplotlib, which is now open access.
Address: https://hal.inria.fr/hal-03427242/document
Supporting code address: https://github.com/rougier/scientific-visualization-book
"Data Science from the Command Line"
By studying this book, you will learn how to use command-line tools to acquire, clean, explore, and model data.
To help you get started quickly, the author also provides a Docker image with more than 100 built-in Unix tools, available on all major operating systems.
Address: https://datascienceatthecommandline.com/2e/
Rust Data Structures and Algorithms
A Rust book, divided into nine chapters, mainly introduces computer science, basic data structure and algorithm analysis, recursion, search, sorting, etc.
Address: https://github.com/QMHTMY/RustBook/blob/main/README_CN.md
"Algorithm Clearance Manual"
This book provides a super-detailed "Algorithm and Data Structure" basic tutorial, and a detailed analysis of the Python version of "LeetCode" 650+ topics.
This tutorial will take you from zero foundation to a thorough grasp of algorithm knowledge through a combination of "algorithm theory learning" and "programming practical exercises".
Address: https://algo.itcharge.cn
Content curated from GitHubDaily, Photo by Alfons Morales on Unsplash
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