Introduction: Real-life scenarios, short-term practical training, and free access to Alibaba Cloud Elasticsearch clusters for a limited time~
This observability solution is a one-stop solution based on Alibaba Cloud Elasticsearch service. It has complete log, indicator, APM, and user experience simulation collection capabilities, and can complete operations based on service quality goals in a large-scale cloud-native environment. dimension management. This practical workshop is based on a pet clinic with a multi-layer architecture as an example application, and guides participants to build an observability management platform and experience the whole process of collecting, integrating, analyzing, correlating and searching operation and maintenance data.
join us
Event time : 14:30 on April 20
Live broadcast location : Dingqun live broadcast
How to join : Dingding scans the QR code of the poster
Invited lecturer : Liu Zheng, Elastic developer evangelist, translator of "DevOps Handbook" and "The Site Reliability Workbook"; proficient in DevOps/SRE/ITSM and other theoretical systems and related practices.
you will get
- The Elastic developer evangelist will give a live explanation, teach the whole construction process of the plan hand-in-hand, and answer questions online
- Understand the structure and usage of the entire technology stack of the Elastic Stack at one time
- A full set of practical exercises based on real multi-layer applications, the learning can be reused in the production environment
- Build a real service level objective (SLO) monitoring big screen
Practical preparation instructions
1. Create an Alibaba Cloud ES cluster (recommended to create a new one, if the version meets the requirements, the old one can be used).
Free application link:
2. Prepare a CentOS 7/8 virtual machine in advance. The virtual machine has a minimum memory of 4GB. It is recommended to create a new virtual machine with 8GB, which can benefit the old one.
3. The ES cluster and the virtual machine are preferably in the same network, and all ports can communicate.
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