Introduction: The expert proposer has a very good interpretation of the limited issuance of 9,600 yuan full vouchers! Activity nail group: 31889256.

On March 28, Alibaba Cloud's new version of the ACE certification for cloud computing architects was officially upgraded and released, providing technical capability certification for cloud architects, solution architects, senior operation and maintenance/delivery and other groups. Since the upgrade, the new version of ACE certification has received many applications and consultations from followers. The proposition team will bring you a five-night all-round expert interpretation meeting next week !

Live broadcast time: April 25-April 29

Live nail group: 31889256

  • On-the-spot interpretation & Q&A by the expert proposer
  • Comprehensive interpretation of the three links of the new version of ACE certification: written test & experiment & interview
  • There is also a chance to get a full voucher of 9,600 yuan and rich gifts around Alibaba Cloud  title=
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