This article was first published on the Nebula Graph Community public account


Just learning the content of graph data, there are a lot of installation documents on the Internet, which are uneven, and it is very troublesome to deploy.

A relatively complete installation document is now compiled for your reference. The MacBook used in this example uses Intel chips.


  • macOS 12.0.1
  • Docker 20.10.14
  • Nebula Graph v3.X (20220415-master branch)
  • Nebula Studio v3.2.2
  • Nebula Console v3.0.0 (20220415-master branch)

Note: The above software version is the latest version of 20220415

Installation tutorial

The following contents are available for testing.

1. Docker installation

1.1 Download site

Related links: Install Docker Desktop on Mac | Docker Documentation

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macOS 安装 Nebula Graph 看这篇就够了

macOS 安装 Nebula Graph 看这篇就够了

1.2 Configure Docker acceleration

 "registry-mirrors": [

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2. Docker network configuration

 docker network create nebula-net

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Note: The purpose of this is to make Nebula Graph and Nebula Studio's Docker service in the same network segment (optional)

3. Nebula Graph installation

3.1 Git clone nebula-docker-compose repository

 git clone -b master https://github.com/vesoft-inc/nebula-docker-compose.git

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3.2 Modify docker-compose.yaml

Globally replace the network to nebula-net , add external: true


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3.3 docker-compose to deploy Nebula

 docker-compose up -d

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4. Nebula Studio installation

4.1 Download the Nebula Studio deployment configuration file

 wget  https://oss-cdn.nebula-graph.com.cn/nebula-graph-studio/3.2.2/nebula-graph-studio-v3.2.2.tar.gz

4.2 Create the nebula-graph-studio-v3.2.2 directory and extract the installation package to the directory

 mkdir nebula-graph-studio-v3.2.2 && tar -zxvf nebula-graph-studio-v3.2.2.tar.gz -C nebula-graph-studio-v3.2.2

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4.3 Modify docker-compose.yaml

Replace the original nebula-web with nebula-net and add external: true


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4.4 Build and start the Nebula Studio service

 docker-compose up -d

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4.5 Access (recommended)

Log in to the Nebula Studio backend ( )

Configure Nebula database information, Host: IP address of nebula: 9669, default username and password: root/nebula.

In this example, since Nebula Graph and Nebula Studio are on the same network segment , Host:graphd:9669 can be used:

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to log in

5. Nebula Console installation & access

5.1 Binary file method (recommended)

Download link: https://github.com/vesoft-inc/nebula-console/releases

macOS download first

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After downloading the file, change the name to nebula-console. The file is a binary file. In the directory where the file is located, execute the command to enter the terminal page.

 chmod 777 nebula-console

./nebula-console -addr=  -port 9669 -u root -p nebula

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5.2 Docker installation

 docker run --rm -ti --network nebula-net --entrypoint=/bin/sh vesoft/nebula-console:v2-nightly

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 nebula-console -u root -p nebula --port 9669 --address graphd

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5.3 Source code installation

 git clone https://github.com/vesoft-inc/nebula-console

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 cd nebula-console


go get -u golang.org/x/sys


./nebula-console -addr=  -port 9669 -u root -p nebula

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Note: The source code installation requires a Golang environment, and the current GO environment version is go1.18.1.

If there is an error in the process, download it golang.org/x/sys ( go get -u golang.org/x/sys ), and just continue to make.

The generated nebula-console binary file is basically the same as the first method, you can connect directly by running the command

6. Results display

6.1 Docker service status

 docker ps

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6.2 Nebula Studio Service Access

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Original article, thank you for your support, I hope this article will give you a better experience in installing Nebula Graph.

~( ̄▽ ̄~)(~ ̄▽ ̄)~

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