A few days ago, I shared a new feature of Java 18: the jwebserver command line function of a simple web server .

Another way today is to use Java code to implement a static resource server.

For the detailed steps, I recorded a video and put it on station B. Interested partners can click to view the new features of Java 18: Simple Web Server (2)

The code is relatively simple, and it is directly posted:

 public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("Hello world!");

        var addr = new InetSocketAddress(9000);
        var server = SimpleFileServer.createFileServer(
                addr, Path.of("/"), SimpleFileServer.OutputLevel.INFO);

Consolidate the content of the previous jwebserver. According to the above code, if you use jwebserver to implement it, it is actually the following command:

 jwebserver -p 9000 -d / -o info

See if your understanding is correct!

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