Recently, Visual Studio Code released the April update (version 1.67). The highlights of this update include:

  • Explorer file nesting - nests generated files under source files in Explorer
  • Editor Filters in Settings - Filters button will show searches like @Modified settings
  • Bracket Pair Shading - Pair Shading is now enabled by default
  • Toggle Nested Hints - Use Ctrl+Alt to quickly hide or show nested hints in the editor
  • Drag and Drop to Create Markdown Links - Drag files into the editor to create Markdown links
  • Find All References in Markdown - Quickly find all references to headers, files, URLs
  • Java extension update - now supports nested prompts and lazy variable resolution
  • UX Guidelines for Extension Authors - UI Best Practices Guide for VS Code Extensions
  • New Rust Language Guide - Learn how to use the Rust programming language in VS Code

Explorer file nesting

Explorer now supports nesting of related files based on their names. There are several settings you can use to control this behavior:

  • explorer.fileNesting.enabled\ - Controls whether file nesting is enabled. It can be set globally or for a specific workspace
  • explorer.fileNesting.expand\ - Controls whether nested files are expanded by default
  • explorer.fileNesting.patterns\ - Controls how files are nested. Default configuration provides smart nesting for TypeScript and JavaScript projects

Editor filters in Settings

The editor search control in Settings now has a funnel button on the right. Clicking the button will display a list of filters that you can apply to your search query to filter the results.

Bracket pair coloring

Given the lot of positive feedback on the new bracket pair shading feature introduced in version 1.60, bracket pair shading is enabled by default in this release.

Bracket pair colorization can be disabled by setting to "editor.bracketPairColorization.enabled" false.

Toggle nesting prompts

Nested prompts can display additional information in the source code.

How to use :

  • on - Enable nested prompts
  • off - disable nesting
  • onUnlessPressed - Use Ctrl+Alt to show and hide nested prompts
  • offUnlessPressed - Hide and show nested prompts with Ctrl+Alt

Drag and drop to create Markdown links

You can now quickly create Markdown links by dragging and dropping files from VS Code's Explorer into the Markdown editor.

Hold down the Shift key while dragging a file onto the Markdown editor to drop it into the editor and create a link.

If the file is an image, VS Code will automatically insert the Markdown image. Otherwise, a normal Markdown link will be added.

Find all references in Markdown

This release supports quick lookup of all references to headers, files, and URLs.

Java extension update

Nested prompts

The Java Language Services included in the Java Extensions now supports nested hints for displaying parameter names for method signatures.

There are three modes of Java parameter name nesting hints:

  • literals - Enables parameter name hinting only for literal parameters (default).
  • all - Enables parameter name hinting for literal and non-literal parameters.
  • none - Disables parameter name hinting.

lazy variable resolution

The Java debugger extension now supports "lazy" variables. This feature allows users to defer actions on variables until the user expands the debugger UI to see their values.

Extension Author's UX Guidelines

The UX Guidelines for extension authors have been reworked to have their own table of contents where you can find best practices for using various VS Code user interface elements. Specific topics discuss considerations when extending the UI so that they can be seamlessly integrated in VS Code.

The new Rust language guide

This Rust language guide describes in detail how to set up and use the Rust programming language and the rust-analyzer extension in VS Code. The rust-analyzer extension includes rich language features such as code completion, linting, refactoring, debugging, and more.

Original blog post: https://code.visualstudio.com/updates/v1_67

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