In some cases we need encrypted access to resources on our server, so how do we need to do it?
1. Modify nginx configuration
Modify the nginx configuration and set the resources that require encrypted access to prohibit external access
# 资源真实存储路径 /upload 禁止外部直接访问 location ^~ /upload { internal; }
When setting access to a resource that does not exist, jump to the specified php script for parsing
# 如果文件不存在,则rewrite到PHP脚本文件进行处理 if (!-f $request_filename) { rewrite ^/.*$ /attachment.php; }
Configure nginx as above to implement resource encryption access instance
# 图片真实存储路径 /upload 禁止外部直接访问 location ^~ /upload/school { internal; } location ~ .*\.(gif|jpg|jpeg|png|bmp|swf)$ { # 如果文件不存在,则rewrite到PHP脚本文件进行处理 if (!-f $request_filename) { rewrite ^/.*$ /attachment.php; } expires 30d; error_log /dev/null; access_log /dev/null; }
2. attachment.php (resource parsing script)
<?php // key参数为校验参数,有该参数即可通过验证,否则不通过 if (!isset($_GET['key'])) { exit('get img failed!'); } //key验证逻辑 $imagePath = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/upload/'; $image = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; // 拼接图片真实全路径 $fullPath = $imagePath . $image; // 获取图片mime信息 设置Content-type头 $mime = getimagesize($fullPath)['mime']; header("Content-Type: $mime"); // 设置sendfile头部,让nginx跳转到download下查找对应图片 相当于交给nginx进行后续处理 header("X-Accel-Redirect: /upload/$image"); die;
- According to the above, confidential access to resources can be achieved, and the total implementation effect is as follows (the site domain name is:
-- For example, the real address of the resource is: /upload/test.jpg
-- Failed to visit
-- Failed to access
-- Visit success
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