Introduction: At 14:00 on May 11, 2022, the Alibaba Cloud EMR StarRocks product online launch conference will be launched, not to be missed!

Alibaba Cloud EMR-StarRocks is a new generation of open source OLAP products authorized by StarRocks to Alibaba Cloud. It is committed to building an extremely fast and unified analysis experience to meet various data analysis scenarios of enterprise users. This conference invited product technical experts from Alibaba Cloud, StarRocks, and ZhongAn Insurance to introduce in detail the functional advantages, application scenarios and implementation practices of EMR StarRocks, and to reveal the technical support and future planning behind StarRocks' ultra-fast data lake analysis capabilities.

Click【EMR StarRocks Conference】to make an appointment now

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Press conference information:

Conference highlights:

  • Gathering of big names: Five product technical experts from Alibaba Cloud, StarRocks, and ZhongAn Insurance gathered to chat online about real-time OLAP scenarios, as well as the functional advantages, technical scenarios, and implementation practices of the new-generation open source OLAP product EMR StarRocks.
  • Technical Secrets: StarRocks, as a new generation of ultra-fast full-scenario MPP analytical database, has achieved sub-second query analysis, high concurrency and low latency in point query scenarios, and excellent complex BI analysis performance at the technical level. As the first cloud vendor in China to list StarRocks product, how does Alibaba Cloud understand and define this product? What capabilities and functions does it have? What are the applicable scenarios? This live broadcast will reveal to you one by one, revealing the technical insider behind StarRocks' extremely fast data lake analysis capabilities!
  • Live broadcast benefits: There are more product trials and product data downloads waiting for you to experience. The live broadcast will be locked on May 11th, so you can't miss it!

Product exclusive trial:

Conference Agenda:


  • Welcome to Dingding to scan the QR code of the poster and join the product exchange group to participate in the discussion. We will regularly push exciting articles in the DingTalk group, and invite technical experts to share them live~


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