Introduction: [In-depth co-creation of low-code] Mobi, a low-code platform under EMAS, has opened targeted internal testing quotas for a limited time and limited number of places. Participation in the research is on a first-come, first-served basis!

Mobi is a model-driven low-code development platform for all-end (Web, Native App, H5, all-platform applets, etc.) scenarios, providing one-stop visual application modeling, page building, data building The cloud-native architecture supports elastic expansion and zero-cost operation and maintenance of applications, helping customers efficiently solve application development, customization and maintenance problems.
At present, Mobi is in the public cloud version beta test, and we sincerely invite companies or individual developers who have a strong demand for low-code to conduct in-depth co-creation. In order to understand your needs, we have specially designed this set of questionnaires, please fill in: [Click Fill out the questionnaire here](Link address https://survey.aliyun.com/apps/zhiliao/NWpvRGBHR
1. The number of places for this invitation is limited for a limited time. Those who complete the questionnaire with high quality will be on a first-come, first-served basis.
2. The mobi team has one-to-one communication with the original production and research team, and uses low-code technology to solve your application development problems
Mobi application scenarios:
Customer Experience Innovation
Taking the experience of every business contact between customers and employees as the starting point, the low-code platform can quickly support application innovation, and improve the satisfaction of enterprises and employees with the enterprise through application expansion and iteration.

Business Process Automation (Process Automation)
Aiming at various customized management processes within the enterprise, it does not need to reconstruct the existing system. Through the low-code platform to integrate the existing system and the new process orchestration design, it can solve the problem of cross-business process flow at low cost and light weight. Improve business efficiency.

Enterprise Software Customization
When general-purpose SaaS (such as OA, CRM, ERP) cannot meet the business demands of the enterprise, the data and interfaces of the existing SaaS can be integrated through the low-code platform, and new business applications can be added in a visual way to enhance the enterprise's SaaS capabilities and satisfy the 100% customized needs of enterprises.

System Integration & Extension
In the process of enterprise digital transformation, it is necessary to rely on the operation of existing systems to build new digital services at the same time, use low-code platforms to integrate and unify interface transformation of existing systems, and solve the problems of integration and unified opening of heterogeneous systems.

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