
Log in to the AliGenie skill application platform , click 创建新技能 to create a new skill through the wizard.

Below is the Tmall Genie skill creation page. The url of this page:


The skill id is 89247 , and the id is 2022042968002 , which is the creation time of the skill.

It can be seen from the state transition diagram of the development process that a new voice skill, after being created, has to go through the following steps in order before it can be officially released to users:

  • Defining the Voice Interaction Model
  • Build backend service logic
  • Add an on-screen page (optional step, can be skipped)
  • Test: You can use the real machine test or test on the web page

On the detail page of skill attribute maintenance, we can observe the following information:

The most important attribute of a skill is to maintain the skill invocation word. When the voice command sent by the user to the Tmall elf contains the skill invocation word, the Tmall elf will perform the corresponding skill processing state.

In my evaluation, the skill call word I chose is 汪子熙是谁 , because the call word cannot conflict with the existing call words on the platform.

A voice skill can contain multiple intents. Intent represents the purpose of the user's interactive dialogue with Tmall Genie. For example, my custom skill contains three intents: weight, weather query and welcome intent. The intent ID is the intent ID, which needs to be used in the code implementation written by the skill developer.

We select an intent to open in the above figure, such as 天气查询 intent, open its editing page, and see a maintenance interface 单轮对话表达 . As it has been said before, a voice skill can correspond to multiple intents, so if the voice command initiated by the user to the Tmall Genie is the same or similar to the statement maintained in the single-round dialogue expression, it is determined to hit the corresponding intent. .

For example, the conversation initiated by the user to the Tmall Genie is similar to the following types of statements:

  • What's the weather like today in Hangzhou
  • How's the weather today
  • What's the weather like in Hangzhou

The intelligent application platform will pass these request parameters, such as 今天 , 杭州 , and the determined intent id, weather into the application business interface. In our own program, we can get the weather id to know the current user's expectation 查询 杭州 今天 , you can call the Restful API of weather query to complete the business logic.

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