Introduction: ApsaraDB for RDS MySQL starts free registration from entry to advanced training camp! The big coffee will take you to learn about ApsaraDB for RDS MySQL, from entry-level infrastructure and performance tuning, to advanced MGR and cloud-native serverless.

MySQL is the most mainstream open source database today. It has been recognized by a large number of users for its advantages of stability, security, flexibility, and low cost. It also has a wide audience in China.

This time, Alibaba Cloud and China MySQL User Group will focus on introducing the basic structure of MySQL database, SQL performance tuning and other features, as well as high-level MySQL MGR and other features, so that you can have a certain understanding of MySQL database in a short period of time. At the same time, you will also have the opportunity to experience SQL diagnosis and tuning in the experimental environment, as well as apply to experience the latest serverless capabilities, easily get started with the RDS MySQL database in seven days, and complete technical growth and career breakthroughs. Outstanding graduates have a chance to get ACA vouchers worth 600 yuan, and surprise gifts such as customized Bluetooth speakers are waiting for you!

This training camp has a limited time limit and free registration! Quantities are limited, while stocks last!

>>Click here to register now<<

--details of the event--

  • Registration period: May 9-May 23
  • Start time: May 23-May 31 (19:00-20:00 every night for group teaching)
  • Camp quota: 5,000 people (free for a limited time, while stocks last)

——Seven days of training camp you will get——


**--Seven-day camp schedule--


**——Participation Reward——


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