Introduction: Too busy with work and no time to study? Serverless experts will take stock of knowledge and dry goods for you, and take you to quickly transition to serverless technology every day.
Today, serverless is accepted by more and more enterprises and applied in business practice. In addition to the earliest "early adopters" of Internet companies, traditional companies are also exploring the use of serverless on a large scale. More and more people have gone through the initial stage of cognition of serverless technology and have moved towards implementation.
Serverless is gaining momentum. Faced with the upcoming changes, developers hope to quickly absorb serverless knowledge and apply its advantages to their daily work. Alibaba Cloud's cloud-native serverless team has launched a new "Serverless Technology Advanced Study Class", and specially invited serverless technical expert Jiang Yu as a leader to lead developers interested in serverless technology using a class system to jointly study the 2022 edition of "Serverless Application Development". Manual", let us become classmates, friends, and comrades in technical improvement, and develop serverless enterprise-level applications in 10 days with 0 basics.
Currently in the enrollment stage, the new lecture will start on May 16, and you can join anytime before May 27.
Registration address
Browse the link below
(It is recommended to open the PC side)
Study class highlights
- Text reading + independent homework, self-determination of learning time
- The class teacher accompanies learning + classmates discuss, promote and grow together
- Focus on technical points and stage Q&A, real live broadcast and real interaction
- Certificate of completion after study
- The whole process is free
Student income
- Immersive Learning Experience
- Technical people read and communicate together
- Real live broadcast, real Q&A
- Completion certificates and prizes issued by the developer community
- Exclusive learning materials & experience scenarios
Study class setting
Topic: 0 Basics 10 Days to Develop Serverless Enterprise Applications
Study material: 2022 edition of "Serverless Development Quick Check Book"
Study method
Reading/listening to text content - homework completion - interactive communication - certificate of completion
Course Details
Copyright statement: The content of this article is contributed by Alibaba Cloud real-name registered users. The copyright belongs to the original author. The Alibaba Cloud developer community does not own the copyright and does not assume the corresponding legal responsibility. For specific rules, please refer to the "Alibaba Cloud Developer Community User Service Agreement" and "Alibaba Cloud Developer Community Intellectual Property Protection Guidelines". If you find any content suspected of plagiarism in this community, fill out the infringement complaint form to report it. Once verified, this community will delete the allegedly infringing content immediately.
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