10 Flutter Suggestions — Part 8/10

Now we've reached the eighth part of the series and we're not far from the end. Today we're dealing with packages again, but not normal, but using Syncfusion's packages. Why these things? Well, these packages are really of the highest quality and their UI solutions are really nice!

So, let's get started!

Syncfusion DataGrid (DataTable)


This package is used to display and edit data tables in tabular form. It's built to be very efficient (like every Syncfusion package) and offers many customization options.

Syncfusion Localizations


Syncfusion \_ localizations provides localized text for over 77 cultures that can be used in any Syncfusion widget. A full list of all supported languages can be found on the package page.

Syncfusion OfficeChart


This package is used to create Excel charts based on data (logically). As you can see from the examples below, you can create any type of chart. Highly recommended for apps that use a lot of stats.

Syncfusion Charts


Well, the last package is relatively monotonous, just for software like Excel. But what if you want to create special, animated, really nice charts based on your data? Then instead of the Syncfusion OfficeChart package, you use the Syncfusion flutter charts package!

Syncfusion Datepicker


Well, we probably all know about Google's Material Datapicker, but what if you need a new design and functionality, a date range picker? Well, you just need to use the packages syncfusion, flutter, datepicker.

The design is very clean and definitely very helpful with your app!

Syncfusion Calendar


Well, I think everyone should know about apps like Google Calendar. You can put events on specific times, different days, etc. Now you may not be able to use this package to develop an application to replace Google Calendar, but in various applications you will often need a calendar to enter events. Well, who would have thought, this feature just offers synced flutter calendars.

Syncfusion barcodes


Maybe you rarely encounter this problem, but if you are developing a larger application, you may sometimes need to generate QRCodes or barcodes to make it easier for users to access a certain website.

This plugin can create 1D barcodes as well as 2D barcodes. Of these, there are many different types, all of which can be found on the package page.

To solve this problem, you can use syncfusion \_ flutter \_ barcodes plugin!

It's very easy to use, as you can see below:

  value: 'https://tomicriedel.medium.com'), //Visit it ;)

Syncfusion Maps

Maybe you remember the US election, no matter what year it was. If you've been actively following them, you'll Google the current election rankings from time to time. Then you should get a map like this:

(Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_United_States_presidential_election )

Are you also wondering how to create such maps in your own app and make them interactive at best?


In short, with the syncfusion, flutter, maps packages, you can do it.

If you use this package now, then you can create.

Here is our map, just in a few different colors. Of course, that's not all. If I put all the ways that the package can be used here, the story doesn't look so good.

So: if you want to do something with maps, whether you want to show timezones or something else, definitely check out this pack!

Syncfusion SignaturePad


Well, that's another rare usage, but you should never say never. If you need an area in your app or website that you want users to sign up for, you can use this package. As the name suggests, it provides you with an autograph book.

    minimumStrokeWidth: 1,
  maximumStrokeWidth: 3,
  strokeColor: Colors.blue,
  backgroundColor: Colors.grey,

Syncfusion PDF Viewer


Actually pretty self-explanatory, you can use this package to view pdfs. But the good side is that you also have a lot of built-in features, like you can jump to a page and the current page will be shown to you as well.

Like almost all Syncfusion packages, this one is very easy to use, requiring only a few lines of code:

    'https://tomicriedel.medium.com/never_gonna_give_you_up.pdf', //This website does not exist, but do visit tomicriedel.medium.com

I wish you a nice day\!

I wish you have a nice day!

© Cat Brother

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