Recently, Mozilla announced in a blog post that Firefox will fully support Manifest V3, the next iteration of the Web Extensions platform, by the end of this year, and before then launch a new developer preview program to gather feedback from web developers.

In 2018, Google first released Manifest V3, or MV3 for short. MV3 is Web

The latest changes to the extension platform to make extensions safer, faster, and privacy-friendly.

It is understood that one of the most controversial changes in MV3 is the cancellation of the Web Request API in favor of the new Declarative Net Request API. This change has been criticized by a large number of developers because it stripped many extensions of functionality and slowed down development efficiency.

Currently, Google Chrome has stopped accepting new extensions based on MV2, and existing MV2 extensions will be discontinued after January next year.

Mozilla mentioned in the blog that they have learned about the developers' controversy about MV3, and they also believe that the new Declarative Net Request API is not a perfect replacement for the Web Request API, which limits the use of ad blocking and advanced privacy. To this end, they Will take a different approach than Google Chrome when implementing MV3, Firefox will retain support for "Block Web Request" in MV3, and also provide access to the Declarative Net Request API for better compatibility with other browsers support.

Finally, Mozilla said it will limit the abuse of user privacy by extensions, is committed to protecting the security and privacy of users, and will continue to support Service Workers.

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